Happy New Year!

December 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Happy New Year!”

  1. The last 3 years, 2016-2019 were dumpster fires for sure but 2020 was a dumpster fire on steroids. And “COVID is a hoax”ers who held big parties at Thanksgiving and Christmas which produced COVID victims should realize that they have blood on their hands, just like their Dear Leader.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Happy New Year! To Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, her delightful family, and all of the WMDBS, may 2021 bring you peace of mind and good tidings.

    May 2021 also be a gift to all the cartoonists who enjoy drawing Donnie and his cohorts behind bars. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bGTTAHxxgxc/X-z0GNpnjGI/AAAAAAACJPI/xcHXk2zm1t8M5cg1w3WmJGIndEj4cDI7wCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/3%2Bdave%2Bgranlund.jpg

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Happy 2021 to everyone at the WMDBS. I’m kind of thinking 2021 starts on 1/20, so my family plans to uncork our champagne that night (a bottle we’ve saved since the night we were hoping HRC would beat Donnie).
    It’s hard the say everything that happened in 2020 will stay in 2020 because we still have to endure the bizarre day coming on 1/6/21. Got to get that day behind us.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    What to expect on 1/6/21: at least 140 repugnanticans will make 2020 extend into 2021.


  5. Happy New Year!
    In the spirit of leaving 2020 and my pessimistic veiw point behind, I leave you folks a link to a song. Here’s to hoping.

  6. What Jane & PKM said (as usual). Happy 2021, y’all!

  7. john in denver says:

    Steve from Beaverton @4 —

    Any word that the 140 Representatives will become consistent and have the Representatives from the protested state(s) challenged before they can assume their own seats?

  8. Henry Brown says:

    Pronounce the current year out loud I’m sorry

  9. Actually, I’m hoping that a lot of things that happened in 2020 are revisited in Grand Jury and Congressional Oversight hearings in the near future.
