Rudy, Rudy, Rudy

September 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If anyone should know, it’s Rudy!


Trump knows his sons are crooks, so he points to Hunter Biden.  Trump knew he had sold out to Russia in hopes of financial help, so he accuses Hillary of being a Russian puppet.  He calls the New York Times story fake news when he is a phony businessman.

And now, President Wacky accuses Joe Biden of dementia.

We had a politician in Texas who was a heavy drinker.  His opponents would make claims that they had to teach his horse the way home because he couldn’t get there on his own after a night out.  The guy kept getting elected in landslides.  One of his supporters claimed, “he’s the best politician we ever had – drunk or sober.”  I kinda feel the same way about Joe. At least Joe knows honest smart people to help him.

I think Rudy is describing Trump, don’t you?  Here’s a fact: I have never heard Trump say the Pledge of Allegiance on his own.  Thats a fact.

One more thing – this is just my personal opinion but I think both Rudy and Trump need to stop making fun of how people look. Both of those guys need a mirror.


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