Rudy, Rudy, Rudy

September 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If anyone should know, it’s Rudy!


Trump knows his sons are crooks, so he points to Hunter Biden.  Trump knew he had sold out to Russia in hopes of financial help, so he accuses Hillary of being a Russian puppet.  He calls the New York Times story fake news when he is a phony businessman.

And now, President Wacky accuses Joe Biden of dementia.

We had a politician in Texas who was a heavy drinker.  His opponents would make claims that they had to teach his horse the way home because he couldn’t get there on his own after a night out.  The guy kept getting elected in landslides.  One of his supporters claimed, “he’s the best politician we ever had – drunk or sober.”  I kinda feel the same way about Joe. At least Joe knows honest smart people to help him.

I think Rudy is describing Trump, don’t you?  Here’s a fact: I have never heard Trump say the Pledge of Allegiance on his own.  Thats a fact.

One more thing – this is just my personal opinion but I think both Rudy and Trump need to stop making fun of how people look. Both of those guys need a mirror.


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0 Comments to “Rudy, Rudy, Rudy”

  1. “President Wacky accuses Joe Biden of dementia.”
    Is not the black kettle calling the pot black, it is a crazy black kettle trying to hide that it is black by putting your attention onto the shiny pot and trying to convince you it is actual black. The trumpig and fellow rePUKEians open mouth and BS lies ooze out.

  2. Every accusation is a confession.

  3. The way Rudy’s talking, he shouldn’t be suggesting dementia on anyone else. Hmm, how many of the 8 signs does he display?

    I’m very tired of the strategy of accusing your opponent of your own issue!

  4. I wish there was a better, more gripping, term than projecting…

  5. This projection was interesting because I don’t remember seeing before the detail specifying Adderall. This – given the constant projection among the RW and Trump in particular- is pretty good confirmation that Trump does indeed snort Adderall.

  6. This morning I saw a news/commentary program:
    A talking head was interviewing swing voters in Ohio about the debate tonight.
    So what issues do these voters want to see addressed?

    Not one mentioned any issues or policies at all. They’re all waiting to see if Biden lights his tie on fire. They want to see if he gets flustered. One wondered if he could string together a coherent sentence.

    Thank you, Trump and Rudy, for placing the expectations of Biden’s abilities below the floor of the stage he’ll be standing on.

    The more I see of Trump, the more I understand why he’s failed at everything he ever attempted.
    Your strategy tonight, if you were Trump:
    1] No prep while going up against someone who, as has been reported, has been prepping all week.
    2] Make sure everyone is certain that guy won’t possibly function as well as you will.
    3] Arrange for that guy to mop the floor with you

  7. Trump has been accused for years of abusing Adderall and British Sudafed, crushing them and snorting them. This goes back before his Preziduncey. So again, projection from the Con Man.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    Ann Richards would have been 87 this month – I wish she was still here and had a Twitter account!

  9. I can’t remember when a candidate and his surrogates have done more in lowering expectations before a debate. Up until a few weeks ago Trump touted himself as a stable genius, a master of the cognitive skills test, and far smarter than the average (or above average) general or doctor. Everything he touched was beautiful, fantastic, or perfect.

    Now, we’re told not to expect him to compare favorably with Joe Biden in a debate? Because there will be words at the debate?

  10. Grandma Ada @ 9,

    Amen. I wish Molly Ivins was still with us and had a twitter account.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Distraction, projection, distraction, projection, yada, yada, yada- means everything thing bad that’s been reported the last several weeks and months is true. Vietnam vets and dead soldiers were losers, he knew about Putin ransoms on our troops, everything written about him (Woodward, Cohen, Mary T, etc.), the NYT reporting his taxes- all true. Biden needs to hammer him tonight.
    Oh, and super Donnie all of a sudden is sending out all the coronavirus test kits- months after states were asking for them and 207,000 dead. Distraction, distraction, distraction.

  12. Sooooo Drumpf abuses adderall/amphetamines? Hmmmmm

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    I also miss Ann Richards and Molly Ivins (and Barbara Jordan). But we have at least one of their ilk in our presence. She writes for Out magazine, never seems to give up, and is working to flip Texas back to blue. Plus she has the ability to summon a mean sense of humor, and has a large herd of friends that flock to hear what she says whenever a new fresh hell emerges from the Republican Party.

    I won’t embarrass her by name, but her initials are JJ. We all owe her a plate of the best tacos available in the Houston metro area.

  14. Meidas Touch has done a killer reworking of Rudi’s Rant.
