Debate Warning: Expect Trump To Threaten Little Kittens

September 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Emerson Polling found something interesting that kinda goes against what you’d expect.



Two things: Donald Trump can be the first contestant on the teevee show I’m trying to get on teevee: The Wimp Factor, hosted by and starring Lindsey Graham.

The other thing: 71% of people are going to watch the debate?  Gosh, that would include DeWayne over at the Bowling Alley & Shoe Rental, and Junior Janochek, Jr. of Junior Janochek, Jr., Rural Entertainment Promoters, Ltd.



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0 Comments to “Debate Warning: Expect Trump To Threaten Little Kittens”

  1. Biden

    DJT’s debt due in the next few years is now pegged at $1.1 Billion [and climbing], not a measly $421 Million.
    Donnei is one of the biggest Losers of all time. The Trump Crime Organization a massive failure, a high -rolling Ponzi scheme.
    Next up, a list of his creditors/owners [we know of the Russian, Chinese, Saudi ones, who else is there?].


  2. The debate is a perfect time for Biden to have a Trump Intervention.

    “Why do you always lie so much Mr. President?
    Yes you do lie all the time, you lie about the Corona Virus, your taxes, cheating on your pregnant wife with a porn star, etc. etc.
    You know only a very sick person lies all the time and we can help you Donald. please let us help.
    Why are you threatening me? Only a scared, sick man threatens people. We just want to help because the world world sees how sick you are.”

  3. I will be one of the few not watching the debate. T’s voice, manner, lies, and gaslighting are detrimental to my health. I am looking for you all to give me the report on that, and I thank you for sparing me the nausea.

  4. It’s going to be very interesting. However, I am like Jere Armen @3. I can’t stand to listen to that mofo.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m with Jere#3 and Barb#4 – I figure I’m going to hear the highlights and lowlights all week. I’m going to rely on journalists, like Miss JJ to give me the news. BTW I’m also not staying up late on November 3rd.

  6. He may threaten kittens — I dunno.

    One thing I’m certain of, though is this: he WILL pull out his one-trick pony and ride it hard.

    Either Chris Wallace or Biden will bring up:
    1] the taxes:
    Hoax! Fake news!
    2] the massive debt he owes. Who to, please?
    Hoax! Fake news!
    3] Covid-19:
    Hoax! Fake news!
    4] cozying up to Putin and other dictators:
    Hoax! Fake news!
    5] the real size of his wall that has been completed and how it’s being paid for:
    Hoax! Fake news!
    6] attacking peaceful protesters:
    Hoax! Fake news!

    You get the drift.

  7. dixiechiken says:

    I have absolutely no intention of watching the debates. I can’t stand to listen to that imbecile. Besides, my mind is 100% made up about for whom I am voting. There is not one thing that could possibly happen in 4 hours that will reverse or erase the nightmare that has been the last 4 years. No need for that kind of aggravation.

    I am, however, forever grateful to all those who will watch and report the highlights so I don’t have to!

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’ll be checking my trusted news sites after the debate instead of vomiting tomorrow night. I hope Biden fights fire with fire and has the same type of zingers Trumpf will try. Big difference is Biden’s will be truth while Trumpf’s will be the usual- lies. And there’s plenty of ammunition for Biden to use. Expect Trumpf to blame Obama all night which is why I wish he could be in the audience.
    It will be great that Trumpf won’t be able to walk off when he doesn’t like the questions or “nasty” comments that will be coming his way. Would love to see him stomp off.

  9. The Wimp Factor
    Starring Lindsey Graham?
    Guest starring Donald Trump?

    Sign me up!
    And by the way, you had me at “The Wimp…” because I expected quality entertainment, featuring no less than the top two.

  10. Jere & Barb – Turn on closed caption and turn off the sound.

  11. Would anyone here be upset if Joe “lost it” and used Donnie for a speed bag?

  12. I’m with those who say they couldn’t stand to listen to 45. I’ll wait for the highlights. There is nothing he could say that would make me change my mind and vote for him anyway.

  13. It’s nice that the timing on this worked in our favor for a change. The orange asshole does not handle negative pressure well (no practice) – the punches need to keep on coming. Coronovirus! I 200,000 dead! Economy in tatters, and except for the rich! t-Rump’s taxes! Repeat in different combinations. He’ll run to the Green Room and threaten to kill himself like his grifting ex-campaign manager did this morning.
    JJ, die you’re only vindictive if you actually do the stuff you think about. Sadly, I’m sometimes vindictive.

  14. Sharon Greiff says:

    I will watch but also zoom it so my friends and I can scream what the f#ck.

  15. Trump wants Biden to submit to a drug test. Biden should challenge him to a cognitive test like the one Trump brags about acing, except Joe gets to pick the words. Maybe something like:
    1. Adultery
    2. Corruption
    3. Kleptocracy
    4. Nepotism
    5. Racist
    Then have Trump recite them at the beginning of the debate and again at the end, in order. The clip would make a great commercial titled “Trump – in his own words”

  16. Jane & PKM @ 11:
    I’ve thought about that too. Especially if f**king trump tries to do the threatening, lurking behind intimidation crap he pulled on Hillary. My first thought was: Well Joe’s pretty old.
    Then I remembered Buzz Aldrin.
    That was sweet.

  17. Jane & PKM @ 11,

    I rather hope the debate monitors have security waiting in the wings in case Trump tries to get physical with Biden during the debate.

  18. john in denver says:

    papa @17
    Both Trump and Biden now have Secret Service protection. I don’t think the agents would stand idly by.

  19. Papa @ 17:
    You’re right of course.
    But still, a guy can dream.

  20. I would like them separated by plexiglass shields. I don’t want the orangeman getting his germs on Joe.

  21. P.P. @ 16:
    Sweet indeed.

    That arse-ho forgot the most important lesson: Buzz isn’t a politician. He’s not running for anything so he doesn’t have to put up with your — umm — nonsense. So call him names at your peril.

    To quote Chicago — he had it comin’.

  22. That would be a real test of Secret Service training. Do those guys get polygraphed periodically to check whether they’ve been entertaining fantasies of the Orange Stain being punched in the nose? Guess my military “you salute the office, not the man” training has worn off because I know my reaction time would suffer a sudden major case of “threat, what threat?” if Dotard 45 was getting a beat down from Biden.
