Richard Nixon Would Be So Proud

July 13, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As someone who was a grown ass woman during the Nixon years, I learned one damn thing: never say anything anywhere outside your bedroom that you don’t want to have to listen to being played back at the Rotary Club with your mother there.

Along with many other things, Steve Bannon did not learn that.



They were laughing about it. Laughing about a coup. Laughing. I’m a mother. I would konk him upside the head with my tennis shoe.

I gotta tell you that yesterday’s hearing left me gasping. Worse that Watergate? Oh hell yeah. Even Nixon knew he was going to leave the Oval Office one day.

One other thing. Spending years as a reporter, I learned that if you ask someone a question and their answer is, “Who said that?” or “Where did you hear that?” it’s a confirmation that whatever you asked is true. I noticed that same reaction when Ivanka was asked if she was sent to her dad on 1/6 to calm him down. That woman was lying. Okay, I know you know I’m right. Her lips were moving.

This slow train to hell is picking up steam every day. I have a feeling that it’s going to come roaring into the station.

By the way, Robert Mueller is gonna have some ‘plainin’ to do.


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