Richard Nixon Would Be So Proud

July 13, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As someone who was a grown ass woman during the Nixon years, I learned one damn thing: never say anything anywhere outside your bedroom that you don’t want to have to listen to being played back at the Rotary Club with your mother there.

Along with many other things, Steve Bannon did not learn that.



They were laughing about it. Laughing about a coup. Laughing. I’m a mother. I would konk him upside the head with my tennis shoe.

I gotta tell you that yesterday’s hearing left me gasping. Worse that Watergate? Oh hell yeah. Even Nixon knew he was going to leave the Oval Office one day.

One other thing. Spending years as a reporter, I learned that if you ask someone a question and their answer is, “Who said that?” or “Where did you hear that?” it’s a confirmation that whatever you asked is true. I noticed that same reaction when Ivanka was asked if she was sent to her dad on 1/6 to calm him down. That woman was lying. Okay, I know you know I’m right. Her lips were moving.

This slow train to hell is picking up steam every day. I have a feeling that it’s going to come roaring into the station.

By the way, Robert Mueller is gonna have some ‘plainin’ to do.


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0 Comments to “Richard Nixon Would Be So Proud”

  1. All the senators who voted not to convict at the second impeachment have even more ‘splainin’ to do.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If there’s anybody uglier than Bannon, please share with us. They say beauty is often only skin deep, but for Bannon, he’s ugly through and through. You can tell anytime he opens his noise hole. I guess Alex Jones is close.
    The fact that TFFG looked to him for advice tells you everything.

  3. The whole idea of indicting, sentencing and jailing a past President is picking up incr4dible speed. If th4 aforementioned does not happen, it could tear tis country apart and we can just close our doors on the idea of being an example to the world. My kids and grandkids will never take to the idea of letting a criiminal ex president off the hook. They would actually leave this country. Then they would have a choice between a parliamentary govrnment or a dictatorship. And they will need all the luck they can get.

  4. The collective stupidity of this whole “gang that couldn’t shoot straight” boggles the mind.

  5. BarbinDC says:

    Oh, Boy! The next hearing is going to be a killer! A minute-by-minute account of what was happening at the Capitol and, more important, what was going on in the WH. I’m wondering if Gen. Milley will be a live witness to attest who called him for help and who didn’t. This is going to be popcorn-worthy.

    They don’t need Bannon. His butt is going to jail.

    I expect to be disappointed that I won’t see the Orange Moron in handcuffs on his way to jail. I expect him to cheat us all for the final time by conveniently dying before the Piper has to be paid. Not that I would cry about that or anything.

  6. Malarkey says:

    @BarbinDC #5 –

    “I expect him to cheat us all for the final time by conveniently dying before the Piper has to be paid. Not that I would cry about that or anything.”

    I will be waiting on line with my toilet paper! I believe there will be many of us.

  7. What really sears this for me is about 99% of Bannon and tfg’s nasty little associates always knew all of the stolen election nattering by tfg was a bunch of bull.

    About half of the republican base knows they’ve been had but double down or else they couldn’t go to their family reunions with their heads up—-quacking about how the mad shitgibbon is all good things rolled up in the flag.

    I find myself embarrassed for our country while cretins like Bannon laugh and roast hot dogs on the flames.

  8. trumph DID do some crazy shit. The intensity of the insurrection even caught me off guard. I knew he was batshit malignant narcissistic crazy but I didn’t think he’d go that far.
    The FBI and CIA knew something was up. So why was the Capitol not secured and safe?

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    To paraphrase Al Franken, they are just lying liars who will keep on lying. I think my son was born saying,”Becca did it.” If I hadn’t put a stop to lying about his actions at an early age, he might have turned into a Bannon!

  10. I am still amazed that there are so many people fooled by the dumpster……and even after all of the hearings, which they don’t watch…..our country is full of idiots

  11. One reason we got a trumph was Bush was never held countable for his numerous crimes.
    Ha trumph was sooo insane he even made Bush look like a saint.

    ”Everybody’ Knew Trumper Militia Were Prepping For Civil War’

  12. @ #9, reminds me of a simple definition of sociopaths:
    “I didn’t break the vase, but even if I did, it was Billy’s fault!”
