Republican Operatives Spy on a Meeting at the DCCC

February 14, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

File under a Nixonian CREEP and actually creepy, Politio is reporting that Republican operatives did a peeping Tom job on a meeting at the DCCC headquarters Wednesday night, shooting photographs of slides being shown at a strategy meeting in the conference room there.  I’ll refrain from criticizing Dems for being stupid enough to have this meeting without the blinds being drawn, but shame on the GOP knuckle draggers for actually shooting photos through the windows.  Not only did they shoot the photos, but then published a full report which was obtained by Politico.  They then bragged about it.  Sidenote: the NRCC has declined to sign an agreement with the DCCC to not use hacked or stolen data.

The state of our politics today, made worse by the mobster infesting the WH and tearing down every norm established for proper governance of our country.

And to John Cornyn and Ted Cruz…this is on you.

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