Proof That 28% of People Were Drunk Yesterday When The Pollsters Called

December 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New poll released today.

… a CNN/ORC International poll released Thursday also indicates that nearly three-quarters of the public say that this has been a “do-nothing” Congress.

Two-thirds of those questioned said the current Congress is the worst in their lifetime, with 28% disagreeing.

This is just a guess, but I’m suspecting that those 28% could not define “congress” or “crap.”


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0 Comments to “Proof That 28% of People Were Drunk Yesterday When The Pollsters Called”

  1. I’m beginning to think they should be chained to their seats without food, drink, and access to lobbyists until they pass meaningful legislation.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Or bathroom breaks. If you’ve spent much time in hearings in legislative bodies, you know that those guys on committees live on coffee and frozen yogurt and never ever take bathroom breaks. Hmm. Don’t you think that maybe they also oughta have to agree to pass legislation that is useful to most folks, not just the super duper rich?

  3. Oh, but they are so proud of all the legislation they scuttled. You see, according to them via Boehner’s own mouth, that is the most important part of their job: to see to it that laws ARE NOT made.

    To paraphrase Tiny Tim, God help us everyone.

  4. Those 28% also think Donald Trump would make a good President because he is an experienced businessman, completely overlooking the fact that he has spent almost as much time in bankruptcy court as divorce court. Oh and there’s that “hair” thing.
    Let’s hope that there is a backlash against the Repug obstructors at the polls.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    maryelle-that ain’t hair,that is distance on his head. Itsa fur piece. Teabaggers think the less that gets done the better. As for the new budget agreemant,everyone,except the wealthy,sacrifice. No new taxes on those best able to afford to pay. Everybody else gets stuck with new fees.

  6. It’s not simply Congress; it’s conservatives in Congress. And it’s not “do-nothing”. It’s only “do the wrong thing, and over and over”.

  7. Let’s also hope that all of us women who got messed up replacement voter ID cards go to the bother of going down and arguing with the powers that be about them. I haven’t done that yet. What’s the best route to take for redoing the voter registration card so it will be accurate?

  8. re: voter ID card, I never have been divorced or widowed but mine has my maiden name on it twice. Strange huh.

  9. So JJ, whatchersaying is that pollsters should give field sobriety tests to respondents before counting their response. Hmmmm. Actually not a bad idea for November elections as well. Catching those T’s trying to vote while off their meds is a good idea.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    To be most effective, it is the candidates who need to be tested for alcohol and drug consumption. Speaker Boehner should be required to blow into a breathalyzer prior to blowing into a microphone.

    As for the “satisfied 28%,” they’re the ones who love the pork their representatives bring them, while screaming for spending cuts for all “Others.” Cut everything, but not in their state.

  11. Zyxomma:
    One time I got a phone poll call about Republican Issues.
    My response was that the only issue I had with Republicans was that they weren’t being hung fast enough.

  12. JJ, no guessing necessary. Whether drunk or just stupid, the percentage is almost always the same. I gotta agree with Micr on this one.

  13. TexasEllen says:

    That’s the 28% that don’t think we landed on the moon, that Jesus lived when dinosaurs lived, and that God hates gay people.

    Loons, or perhaps Gohmerts.
