Yo! Sarah!

December 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, anytime I get to talk about Sarah Palin is a good time.

She finally admitted that she had not actually read the interview with the Duck Dynasty dude before she defended it.

Really?  Sarah Palin not read?  Add that to my Shocked, Shocked I Tell You list.

TV Palin Couric

According to Palin’s reasoning, she didn’t have to read the interview to defend Robertson in the first place because the substance of his comments didn’t matter. He was invoking the Bible, she said, so his critics are actually taking issue with Scripture itself.

Sarah claims that even though Duck Dude spoke out against homosexuals …

“… he has said over and over again he doesn’t hate the person engaging in a lifestyle he disagrees with.”

I dunno.  While the rightwing seems holds the patent on hating people, I kinda think Duck Dude hates them.

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0 Comments to “Yo! Sarah!”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    It’s interesting, isn’t it, that right after the h word in that Scripture, the next word which God condemns is the g word (hint: the word is spelled g r e e d) but do you hear everyone going ballistic over that practice?

  2. The duck-blind wasn’t just condemning the gays, he was justifiying racial segregation.
    He denied that black people had been mistreated, because they were always “…singing in the fields”.
    Ole grizzly woman thinks merely quoting things from the Bible (Old Testament usually)justifies misinterpretation and plain old lies.
    What an air-head.

  3. Well, hey! Now that I finally know what the Duckie said I would definitely add “vulgar” as a critique, but the Sock Puppet wouldn’t know “vulgar” if it bit her in her unclad posterior whilst she was posing for a picture.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    When I heard Snow Globe Head Sarah’s comments, I said: Oh, for God’s sake, shut the _________ up, Sarah!! You fill in the blank ’cause Momma would be coming after me!!

  5. Snow Globe! Thank you, Marcia!
    It was a point of speculation that she (SNOW GLOBE) kept all these contradictory concepts in her head. “How could they all fit?” She has an empty SNOW GLOBE.
    You gals have made my day.

  6. VeeGee in VT says:

    Well, their Holiday-palooza, Christ’s Mass has come and gone. Maybe they’ll start paying attention to what he actually said or did not say. Nah, they’ll start the New Year with more hateful spew and it will never occur to them that the word “Christian” doesn’t apply to them.

  7. To me the whole point of this is, they can spout whatever racist crap they wish, but that does not mean they get to keep their jobs. Ask the Dixie Chicks about free speech.

  8. Sarah Palin is applying Taliban-style logic. If someone cites the Holy Book to justify a position that Sarah supports, anyone criticizing that interpretation is questioning the Holy Book, and it thus guilty of heresy.

    Does this mean that Bill O’Reilly’s criticisms of the Pope’s recent statements makes Bill-O a heretic?

    (Oops, forgot, It’s OK If You’re A Republican. IOKIYAR is the one consistency in that sea of Republican hypocrisy.)

  9. Robertson is a guy who defines his religion in terms of the things he wants to do anyway. He’s not gay, so LGBT is an easy target. He could have adopted the principle of love thy neighbor or fight poverty–both of which are in the Bible–but those are things he doesn’t want to do, so they’re not in his definition of Christianity. He has created a God in his own image (long beard and all).

    Surely one of the goals of religion should be for a person to build on it to become a better person. Robertson is failing.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    http://www.nonstick.com/sounds/Daffy.gif Sarah needs a cameo on Dufus Dynasty with this guy http://www.nonstick.com/sounds/Elmer.gif

    Maybe they can invite Dick Cheney to join them.

  11. There’s nothing wrong with Palin that a few implants couldn’t cure: brain, morality, and decency implants.

  12. Sending Sarah and the Duck Guy off hunting with Dick Cheney sounds like poetic justice in the making.

  13. I don’t know what to think about Phil Robertson in 2013. When I met him, say 1972-ish, he was hand-making duck calls in a shed at his place in Louisiana. I was 18 or 19 and selling sporting goods part time to hunting and fishing stores and going to college in the twilight. Phil urgently wanted the company I worked for to stock his duck calls and the peddlers like me to take a couple and sell ’em hard. If tv Phil is really the guy I’m thinking of he was at the time clean shaven and sported a crew-cut. His full time gig was a coach or some such at the local high school. Very normal in other words. Also very focused on making a ton of money with his duck calls.

  14. One person who appears in public as a fictional personna defends another person who does the same for something he said as that fictional personna. Madness prevails.

  15. For Sarah and some of the other defenders of Duck Robertson, this controversy is a heaven sent twofer.
    They can claim a Christian support of the Duck’s comments on sexuality, while silently, implicitly agreeing that Duck Robertson is as white as their Santa Claus. Duck’s other comments about black people in the same article are just as intolerant and narrow, and clearly racist. But his defenders don’t have to say a thing about that, they can loudly cheer his Christianity, and silently cheer his racism.

  16. Bag of hair everybody . . . .
    A bag of hair is smarter and has more common sense than
    Sarah Palin ever will. So I’m waiting for Phil to claim the bible says all stupid people who a crazy old man picked for his vp in 2008 should be locked up for idiocy. I’d support that.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Palin sucks. That is all.

  18. I’ve heard this same BS from my holier than thou relatives who claim they love me but then proceed to tell me in a round about way that I’m going to hell because I don’t believe as they do. A pox on all their houses.

  19. The words that Sarah Palin lives by:

    “War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.”

    ― George Orwell, 1984

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    While discussing Sarah Palin, is a good time to chat conspiracy theories, too. Perhaps the McCain/Palin ticket was a deliberate ploy to ensure a GOP loss and let the other party take the heat for being unable to clean up Dubya’s mess fast enough. After Bush/Cheney drove us into an economic ditch with two unfunded wars, the GOP could not afford another 4 years of themselves. Did McCain even meet her before her selection as his running mate? McCain alone might not have been sufficient to ensure a loss, but with Palin they had a guaranteed loser.

    Liz needs her hate credentials bonafide. What better way than to invite Daddy, Ducky and Dopey for a little fun with guns? Take McCain along, too. He can make nice with Sarah.

  21. Phil Robertson is a member of White’s Ferry Road Church of Christ in West Monroe, LA. The Church of Christ, not to be confused with the progressive United Church of Christ http://www.ucc.org/
    is historically VERY conservative. I don’t know if the CofC has changed but they used to not allow musical instruments in their churches. VERY conservative. Conservatives are very good at “proof texting;” taking a scripture out of context to use it to say what they want it to say.

    So, for Sarah and Phil’s benefit… Matthew 27:5b – Then he [Judas] went away and hanged himself. Luke 10:37b – “Go and do likewise.” Also too.

  22. RA — Wow, you’re really good at that! If you weren’t a decent human being, you could research Bible verses to string together for the “christians” who’ve never read one and make a lot of money doing it. So legally-speaking, is it okay to say anything at all as long as you finish up by misquoting the Bible. Just askin’.

  23. @RA –
    I’m going to have to remember that one. Should someone ever tell me to “go and take a hike” or use a similar more colorful phrase, I’ll be ready to calmly look at them and say,
    Luke, chapter 10, verse 37b.

  24. Corinne Sabo says:

    Donald’s duck cousin, like Palin, didn’t really read the Bible, just part of it.

  25. Rubymay — Thanks but that’s not original with me. I borrowed it from an older sister. I did have to do a little research on chapters and verses. (I’m a Recovered Southern Baptist so I’ve conveniently forgotten some of my early *training*.) Televangelists and other shysters have been cherry picking and stringing together scriptures for years and using “THE BIBLE” to beat us about the head and shoulders. Is it legal? It’s certainly unethical, but when has that stopped them? It is past time for someone(s) to throw it back at them.

    Rick — Go for it!

  26. RA — please keep throwin’. I believe we all (Rick and I, at least) can use the ammunition. Ha!

  27. Has anyone verified whether Sarah Palin CAN read? Oh, wait: she writes speech notes on her hand so I suppose she can.
    On the other hand (the one with no notes), considering how many times she has made wildly inaccurate comments about topics she clearly does not understand I would place her reading comprehension scores somewhere in the elementary grade level.

  28. What will palin complain about for the rest of the year????

    Can’t wait till she starts on Wendy Davis. She’ll be chopped meat.

  29. Marge Wood says:

    I used to talk to third graders about renewable energy. Even third graders understood the advantages of using compact fluorescent light bulbs and about why we shouldn’t be burning coal–they argued with a guy from the utility about burning coal. Third graders.
