Merry Christmas

December 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Merry Christmas
from the Joyful Proprietress of 

The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.

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0 Comments to “Merry Christmas”

  1. Oh Miz Juanita Jean, he’s just beautiful!!

    Hope, Love and Joy to the Proprietress and all the wonderful customers of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. And may the God of Abraham please grant us Peace.

  2. Richard McDonald says:

    Same to you. Also one of the best

  3. Aggieland liz says:

    Merry Christmas Juanita! Looking at your darling, I have no trouble at all understanding why people can’t believe that God Almighty showed up looking just about like that 2000 years ago in the person of the Son. Babies are so wonderful! And now I’ll just go sing all kinds of old favorite hymns about it all!

    Hope all of you enjoy your holiday season celebrating whatever there is in your life to celebrate however you see fit! We, as is customary in my family, are going to cook – and then we will eat! And both my kids will be here 🙂

  4. He is just darling! You are so lucky and your family too!

    Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!!

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    What a sweet baby … sweeter then all the candy canes could ever be!!

    Merry Christmas to everyone!!

  6. He is adorable but he is giving a hand signal that means, ” I want a BLUE onesy for Christmas.”

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Little Ben is just adorable. May the new year be the best one yet for you and all the wonderful customers at the WMDBS, Inc. 🙂

  8. “For unto them a child is born.” Bless your little grandson and all the babies of the world.
    Let’s see what we can do to make it a better place for them.

  9. Edward Starsmith says:

    Happy Birthday Jimmy Buffett.

    And Merry Christmas to the rest of you.

  10. Wow! Is he ever darling! Just the ticket to start of this day especially! And as Tiny Tim said, God bless us everyone.

  11. Simply precious. Merry Christmas!

  12. What a beautiful picture. A picture of hope for Texas 2014!

  13. fenway fran says:

    Did Bryan take that one? It is too precious. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.

  14. Aww, he’s adorable! What a wonderful photo! His outfit is too cute for words! Peace and joy to you and yours this Christmas, JJ!

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Merry Christmas to all!

  16. Keep calm, and granny on!

  17. Grandkids are the best! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  18. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Aww, I want one of those!

    Peace, Good Health and Love to All here at TWMDBS. You make me laugh everyday and for that I am grateful.

    Merry Christmas!

  19. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    Thanks, JJ, for this wonderful blog skewering all the idiot politicians – and the great laughs.

    Merry Christmas to you, your family, and your fans. May the day be full of family, fun, and food 🙂

  20. m in el paso says:

    Beautiful babe! Fantastic web site.

    Thank you for keeping all of us “librals” well-informed & full of smiles. Holiday happiness to you & yours!

  21. Sister Artemis says:

    Merry Christmas, JJ, and thank you so much for sharing that sweet baby with us.

    Pretty much every morning I visit the WMDBS for a chuckle and a grimace before I hit the “real” news – it might be an odd kind of joy, but you definitely bring joy to my life, and not a few scintillating takes on the politically weird news of the day.

    Thank you again, and may all the joy of the season be yours!

  22. What a beautiful baby! The very picture of peace! Merry Christmas to JJ and her family and to all the clients of the salon. All of you make me happy!

  23. 2HelenaHandbasket says:

    Adorable!! Thank you for sharing.

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Blessings, hope and joy to you and yours! Enjoy your silent night. Hugs all around! Our grandbaby is due to come home from the hospital in two days! Wahoo!

  25. Donna Wade says:


    Now that’s “precious cargo” incarnate! Merry Christmas to you and your family, and unbridled joy, prosperity and good health in the New Year!

    Happy trails,


  26. TexasEllen says:

    Blessings on all of us here in the Beauty Shop and on all the families and communities we represent. That child is a wonder and a joy, thank you for sharing him with us.

  27. I just found this after Christmas, but little Ben’s beautiful picture is a wonderful gift to me, knowing the delight he brings to his granny and the rest of his loving family.

    Mz JJ, I KNOW you must have had a “Merry Christmas”, and my hope is that the new year is your best ever. And, I just have to say it: “Happy Holidays!”

  28. Even grumpy ole me is touched.

  29. Elise Von Holten says:

    Wonderful picture! So much joy in being a grand mother!
    My grand daughter who is two, saw the picture and said she wanted one just like it. He is such a cutie!

  30. Boy, I shoulda come here instead of to the bar. I asked if they had the “Christmas Spirit” and they said, “No.”, but if they did, they wanted $6 a shot for it.

    That kid is as cute as most of my nephews!

  31. He is the cutest thing I have seen since I met my two grandsons last year. Christmas becomes super fun again when those babies play like crazy in the wrapping paper.

    The picture made my crusty old self go “awwwww”. I’d say Merry Christmas but will say Happy Holidays just to annoy the right wing sound machine.

  32. donquijoterocket says:

    Beautiful, masculinely beautiful, young child and the very definition of relaxed and relaxation. Makes me envious that we lose that as we get older. Merry and Happy to you and everyone at the WMDBS from further North on the plains.
