Pardon Watch ….

February 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Roger Stone got 40 months.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson said Stone “took it upon himself to lie, to impede, to obstruct before the investigation was complete, in an endeavor to influence the result.”

“The truth still exists, the truth still matters. Roger stone insisted that it doesn’t,” Jackson said as Stone stood expressionless next to his three defense attorneys.

Three years and three months.  He can go home until the judge makes a decision on a new trial.

I think that’s a fair sentence for a man his age.


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0 Comments to “Pardon Watch ….”

  1. I think he should be granted a new trial. It should start after January 21st of 2021.

  2. Wow!!! Good for her! This is one judge who won’t take anyone’s **ap! Now watch the Golden Gibbon go all slobbery about how Stone is mistreated and give him a pardon!

  3. Respectfully Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, should “age” be a criterion in sentencing? Along the lines of what about “old enough to know better” in the case of Roger Stone. Or, the excuse for Petraeus was to the effect of ‘one bad decision shouldn’t negate a career of service.’ When the time arrives for Michael Flynn’s sentencing, if he doesn’t deliver the head of Orange Foolius on a platter, won’t be happy with his being given “consideration” for cooperation. All three were big boys knowing exactly what they were doing.

    Okay, your turn. Talk me down off the “if they were young, poor or persons of color” soapbox. tia – sincerely.

  4. maggie, why would Judge Berman Jackson take Roger’s soap, except maybe to do to his mouth what his Mama failed to do.

  5. Sam in Superior says:

    This would be a great sentence if he had to serve it all. We all know he will never serve a day.

  6. charles phillips says:

    Stone needs to serve his sentance somewhere safe, for his own security. ADX Florence, or maybe Pelican Bay.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    I’d be much happier about Stone’s sentence if Judge Jackson had told him that he could appeal from prison, not that he could go home and make his appeal from there.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Phillips @6, it is said that Guantánamo Bay is nice this time of year. Or, maybe one of those fancy joints run by John Kelly for immigrant children.

  9. I’ve seen takes on a lot of Websites that Trumplethinskin will have the pardon-Sharpie out the second Stone is jailed.

    I don’t think so. Look at the pattern of Trump’s pardons, a bunch of corrupt grifters, lowlifes, war criminals, and other savoury people in our society.

    However, not one of them are people who could testify against Trump by waiving their V Amendment rights when they’re pardoned.

    Cohen? Papadopolus? Gates? Flynn? van der Zwann? Pinedo? Manafort? All jailed. No pardons forthcoming for them.

    The kinds of people he did pardon? Arapaio (keeps the bigot base cheering for Trump), d’Sousa (keeps the bigot base cheering for Trump), Blagoiovitch (keeps corrupt politicians cheering for Trump, plus he only got his sentence commuted, not pardoned).

    I think Stone will sit in jail with his Nixon tattoo for company.

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  11. Jane & PKM says:

    James, ✔️✔️✔️✔️ and ✔️ on all points about the self dealing Donnie*.

    The one, Flynn, still awaiting sentencing because he is ‘cooperating’? If he doesn’t deliver every metaphoric inch of Donnie’s* head and neck on a platter, he needs to be slammed down for treason.

  12. Welcome to the American Injustice System. If you have political influence or $$$ and/or white you are judged by a different set of rules.

    If he does ever make it to jail I just hope they don’t put him in “protective” custody at least for a few days. Maybe someone will wipe that shit-eating grin off his face.

    I’m quite sure that the evangelical community will offer “thoughts and prayers”.

  13. This sentence doesn’t pass the laugh test.
    A woman in Texas who was prosecuted for “illegal” voting after being told by election officials she could vote is doing what twice that sentence.
    Several women who used a weapon to defend from a documented abuser, in at least one case where he was violating restraining order, are doing more time.
    A man who stole food to feed a sick wife was senteenced to longer.
    So how is this a “fair” sentence.
    20 years at Pelican Bay isolation now that would be a fair sentence.

  14. As sure as Trump is a textbook malignant narcissist, as sure is Stone being pardoned and Judge Jackson being viciously attacked and slandered by Treasonous Trump.
    Things ain’t goona be pretty from here on out.

  15. a question about pardons.
    I remember reading that a person accepting a pardon
    a) Is either actively, or implicitly, admitting guilt.
    b) Those pardoned can NOT claim 5th Amendment if called to testify about the crime since they no longer face the risk of self incrimination. Failure to truthfully testify would be grounds for perjury conviction.
    Are these 2 points correct?

  16. slipstream says:

    slipstream hisownself was not a math major, but I think 40 months is three years and four months. Pretty sure. On a Thursday, anyway, when the wind blows from the east.

    Looks like Stone has a “get out of jail free” card on the way, so all slipstream’s mathematical conjuration may be pointless anyway.

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    K @15, you are correct regarding the pardon(s). However, with this maladministration and Moscow Mitch’s Senate who thinks a subpoena has any weight? The rule of law, if it isn’t dead yet, is in an irreversible coma.

  18. G Foresight says:

    Sentence comparison?

    “Reality Winner, NSA Whistleblower Who Leaked Russia Report, Petitions Trump For Clemency….Reality Winner was sentenced to five years and three months…”

  19. From my understanding these people being pardoned could be forced to testify at any criminal or civil cased (esp. in State courts) after the new administration is put into place.
    I hope the d’s aren’t as stupid as Clinton and Obama with their decision to move “forward” thus giving thuglican criminals (redundant) a free pass upon the when they took office.
    Would have loved to see casper weinberg, ollie north being forced to testify on perjurer poppa’s involvement in iran contra and the cover up or go to jail for perjury.
