Dana’s Confirmation

February 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dana Rohrabacher is baaaaaack.

He says that he most certainly did speak with wikileaks’ Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in August of 2017 and offered him a presidential pardon in exchange for Assange saying that Russia had nothing to do with the leaked Hillary emails.

HOWEVER, ever the true Trumpian and Putinite, Rohrabacher says he only really discussed it with John Kelly and that he reported it back to Kelly.  Well, that’s fortunate, because I’m sure Kelly can’t remember anything about it.

Yeah, I looked into the timing.  Kelly came on July 31st and left the following January. So, he was fresh on the job when Rohrabacher called to report back.


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0 Comments to “Dana’s Confirmation”

  1. Trump will simply deny it.

    Rohrabacher’s word against Trump’s. Rohrabacher will be underbussed by the whole Republican Party.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    James @1 they’ll have to find the reverse gear. Kevin McCarthy already drove that bus over Rohrabacher once. At the rate Donnie* is traveling the bus won’t need tires with all the bodies wrapped around the rims.

  3. So, apparently Donald fired the head of intelligence because he gave out the news that the Russians are already working to
    elect Trump again.

  4. No need to worry about Trump’s denial. The criminal always denies. Just keep telling everyone he did it and Dana confirmed it.

  5. Some Republicans may attack Rohrabacher in public, but I think he’s still playing on tRump’s team (Putin’s team). By bringing up this story, he reminds people that “Russians did not hack the Dems”, reminds people of Seth Rich, and supports the idea that tRump is just searching for the truth. All lies, but that’s the point. Remember, the goal is not to have you believe tRump’s lies, the goal is to make it impossible to believe anything.

  6. Maybe it’s because I’m still bingeing on “The Sopranos”, but this maladministration reminds of nothing so much as Organized Crime. Anybody remember “The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”?

  7. BarbinDC, I sure do remember that gang. And old Dana was never the sharpest pencil in the box. Like Rover, he would do anything for anyone just for a treat, and it could even include a bell rub.

  8. Assange is already on record as saying that Wikileaks did not get the information from the Russian Govt.[1]

    Does this mean Trump has welshed on another deal?

    1. Assange did not say the Russian Gov’t did not hack the DNC. If it was a non-gov’t source , there is no reason to assume that Assange would know who the hacker or leaker was.
