Okay, So This Happened and a Treat at The End

July 31, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I have a little break, so I’ll tell a couple of stories.

Jones’s lawyer goes by the name of Andino Reynal.  On the second day of what appears to be a two week trial, Andino doesn’t get his hour long clips of Jones talking on the radio introduced because he did not introduce them prior to trial. That’s very normal. What is not normal is that he then turned on Bankston and tried to claim that Bankston “said” he could do it and called Bankston a liar. Oops. The judge stops this and said to Reynal, “if you impugn the honesty of another lawyer in my court, you better to be ready to prove it.” She was raising her eyebrows in that way that says, “back off, buddy.”

Reynal waits until the judge leaves the room and gets up in Bankston’s face calling him a liar. Reynal apparently forgot that there’s about 40 members of the media in the room and most of them have cameras. And that HBO is taping everything. Bankston looks out at the audience and says, “Hey, can I get some affidavits from anyone about what he’s doing to me?” It was funny but Reynal doesn’t have a funny bone. But …. he does have a middle finger.

I am not kidding.  Reynal’s middle finger is in every newspaper in the country.

Here’s Mark asking the reporters for a affidavit:



And here’s Reynal’s response seen in every damn newspaper in the country. I betcha his mother is damn proud.



But wait, there’s more.

I want to introduce Alex’s protege, Owen Shroyer. Owen is a shock jock on Jones’s network.  In this trial, after a witness has testified, the judge lets the jury go in the jury room and writes any question they might have the witness. They are to do it alone without consulting with other jurors.

Owen’s testimony was so weird that this happened …


And that was because Jones was in the hallway yelling in front of some jurors on a break that this whole trial was fake!

And then the judge seems a little upset with Shroyer. Damn.

Dan Soloman is particularly good to follow on Twitter, as is Elizabeth Williamson.

It was decided that Law and Crime would be allowed to tape the trial daily and put it online.


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