Okay, So This Happened and a Treat at The End

July 31, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I have a little break, so I’ll tell a couple of stories.

Jones’s lawyer goes by the name of Andino Reynal.  On the second day of what appears to be a two week trial, Andino doesn’t get his hour long clips of Jones talking on the radio introduced because he did not introduce them prior to trial. That’s very normal. What is not normal is that he then turned on Bankston and tried to claim that Bankston “said” he could do it and called Bankston a liar. Oops. The judge stops this and said to Reynal, “if you impugn the honesty of another lawyer in my court, you better to be ready to prove it.” She was raising her eyebrows in that way that says, “back off, buddy.”

Reynal waits until the judge leaves the room and gets up in Bankston’s face calling him a liar. Reynal apparently forgot that there’s about 40 members of the media in the room and most of them have cameras. And that HBO is taping everything. Bankston looks out at the audience and says, “Hey, can I get some affidavits from anyone about what he’s doing to me?” It was funny but Reynal doesn’t have a funny bone. But …. he does have a middle finger.

I am not kidding.  Reynal’s middle finger is in every newspaper in the country.

Here’s Mark asking the reporters for a affidavit:



And here’s Reynal’s response seen in every damn newspaper in the country. I betcha his mother is damn proud.



But wait, there’s more.

I want to introduce Alex’s protege, Owen Shroyer. Owen is a shock jock on Jones’s network.  In this trial, after a witness has testified, the judge lets the jury go in the jury room and writes any question they might have the witness. They are to do it alone without consulting with other jurors.

Owen’s testimony was so weird that this happened …


And that was because Jones was in the hallway yelling in front of some jurors on a break that this whole trial was fake!

And then the judge seems a little upset with Shroyer. Damn.

Dan Soloman is particularly good to follow on Twitter, as is Elizabeth Williamson.

It was decided that Law and Crime would be allowed to tape the trial daily and put it online.


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0 Comments to “Okay, So This Happened and a Treat at The End”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This is the comment I referred to above:

    Brian Tyler Cohen
    “I mean I hate Alex Jones but not as much as Alex Jones’ lawyer hates Alex Jones.”

  2. Harry Eagar says:

    I have become a conspiracy theorist. The sound from the courtroom is not the best and I completely missed that Jones’s lawyers did not attempt to privilege his phone data after they sent it to Bankston.

    I’d give purty to hear Reynal explain that to Jones.

  3. weakgrip says:

    Harry Eager@#52,
    Noy only that, but apparently Alex Jones’ lawyers did not tell their client that they twice messed up

  4. slipstream says:

    I am not an attorney.

    But in my non-professional opinion when you have already lost a defamation suit and the trial is not whether the jury will award damages but about how much the jury will award in damages, it is not a sign of great intelligence to go on the air and publicly defame the plaintiffs again.

    An armadillo which has been run over on the road and left to rot in the sun for three weeks is smarter than Alex Jones.

    But mocking the judge?


  5. UmptyDump says:

    Yet another twist. Reynal, Jones’s attorney, hardly reacted at the moment Mark revealed that he had all of Jones’s text messages due to the so-called blunder by Reynal and/or his team. Very, very curious.

    Why didn’t he put up a fuss – even a fake one – when Bankston revealed the texts? Could Reynal have already known that.his ass was in a very tight crack?

    Perhaps – did Reynal already realize his mistake some time ago and had braced himself or the inevitable – that the knowledge would sooner or later spill out in the trial?

    Or was this “blunder” even a blunder? Was the leak an intentional act by the defense? Otherwise, if the existence of the texts were ever discovered post-trial, would Reynal et al be prosecuted and disbarred for concealing evidence?

    If intentional, did Reynal advise his client Jones, whom he is obligated to protect? Deliberately misrepresenting one’s client is another ground for disbarment, but a lawyer’s first responsibility is as an officer of the court.

    If Reynal did tell Jones, Jones was in no position to fire Reynal or do anything about it, because Jones would self-destruct by going public. All Jones could do was tag along and pray that Mark didn’t spot the incriminating texts. No such luck for Jones as it turned out today.

    Could Reynal have told Mark that he was sending controversial texts? Unlikely, because again he would be sabotaging his own client. Moreover, Mark would never consent to participating in any such illegal conspiracy with opposing counsel.

    Questions, questions! There’s a lot more to this escapade that’s yet to be revealed. That crack is still tight on Reynal’s posterior. Regardless of the trial’s outcome, he has plenty of ‘splainin’ to do.

  6. Mary Smith says:

    I don’t know him personally, but I love your son. It has been so satisfying to watch him rip Alex Jones a new one. I’m a retired trial lawyer and I would have loved to have a moment like Mark had with Jones with the phone texts. You raised a good one, ma’am.

  7. Brian Greminger says:

    Well, I gotta say, I’m not Bubba Jr.’s mom, nor am I even a woman. But I’m just as proud of him.

  8. Somebody on CNN was saying that Jones’ lawyers need to say that sending the phone to MB was a mistake from their carelessness; otherwise they could open themselves to charge of suborning perjury. (I’m not a lawyer – no idea if that’s right.)

    More or less by accident, I have watched MB examine Karpova, Shroyer and Jones on YouTube – his courtesy and professionalism in dealing with these appalling people are astounding and impressive. God bless him and his work.
