Okay, Here’s the Deal

April 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know I’ve been distracted for the past two days.

The Texas Democratic Party filed a lawsuit against Governor Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton over their edict that Texans who are afraid that voting during the Corona Virus might hurt them could not vote by mail. They had to vote in person, deadly virus or not.

In short, they want to be Wisconsin.

Abbott and Paxton, who as our friend Glen Maxey testified at the hearing today, are not medical experts, stood proud and sent the their team into the court to say screw health and safety. They say Betty should go vote in person so she can bring the virus home to grandma and her children.

Because of Corona, we were able to watch the hearing because everybody except the judge was testifying at home. Yes, Glen wore a coat and tie for the first time in a decade.  I did not ask him if he was wearing proper pants because proper is not a word in Glen’s vocabulary.

A big thank you to the Texas Democratic Party, who sponsored this lawsuit, and Austin Attorney Chad Dunn, the best expert on Texas Election Law in the damn country.

Now this is just step one.  Surely, Abbott and Paxton will use tax money to appeal this to the 3rd Court of Appeals and then to the Supreme Court because it’s no money out of their pockets.

The bottom line is this:  We have to pay for Abbott and Paxton will appeal to the 3rd Court and it will probably go to the Supremes, costing Texans more money.

In other words, we have to pay for Abbott and Paxton to try to kill us.

Ain’t that the craps?  Remember Wisconsin and throw those sumbitches out of office, too.


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0 Comments to “Okay, Here’s the Deal”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Mark your calendars – November 8, 2022!

  2. AliceBeth says:

    Did they not read that Democrats in Wisconsin won??? It backfired big time.

  3. Abbott and Paxton, they finally did it.
    They managed to combine death and taxes all in one fell swoop.

  4. The Texas Secretary of State already made a public statement to the effect that, in the language of the vote by mail law, the definition of disability includes the concern that voting in person might make one sick.

    Which I take to mean that all of us are officially disabled during this pandemic, according to the Texas Secretary of State.

    Frankly, I’d rather see it left at that, without forcing the point (and risking a retraction of that statement) and bringing Abbott and Paxton into the argument.

    I am not a lawyer, but I am a teacher, and I am already telling my students and everyone I know that they should go ahead and submit their application to vote by mail and check the “disabled” box.

    I trust that the disability police will not have a problem with this.

  5. IMHO Rick @ 3 deserves the award for whatever category that piece of word-smithing falls into.
    Death, taxes, and fell swoop all in a 12 word sentence.
    That folks is an achievement.

  6. Watching the Next Generation today, a Picard quote caught my attention. “When one has been angry for a very long time, one gets used to it. And it becomes comfortable, like…old leather. And finally becomes so familiar that one can’t ever remember feeling any other way.”
    And it hit me. f**king trump’s value to the repugnantcan party. A lot of us realized a long time ago that the right was willing to totally demonize anybody that threatens their worldview. They were as happy as pigs in s**t to torch anybody.
    Especially liberals.
    We’re the enemy. Always have been, always will be.
    The evidence against us doesn’t have to be credible.
    It just has to be inflammatory. Damn the facts/science/video evidence, as long as it keeps the sheep pissed off at the right people.
    f**king trump is the flamethrower that appeared at the perfect time. Post-Obama. They didn’t give him the time of day when he ran before. But in 2015 we were the perfect targets for the rage that the right’s kindled for decades.
    Now that they’ve got the perfect flamethrower, any damage to our society is acceptable in the righteous pursuit of pure, uncontaminated capitalism. By packing the courts with idealogues for a generation.
    It ain’t pretty.
    But it sure is warm.

  7. Sam in Superior says:

    Here in Wisconsin, the GOP attempt to subvert our primary has backfired badly. This state is in the process of changing from Purple to Blue. We will have to overcome redistricting but we’ll soon see a serious ass whopping.

  8. @Sam in Superior–I am so proud of Wisconsin voters in this last election.
    An Illinois Neighbor

  9. Good for you, Wisconsin! Be as badger-y as you can!
