Oh Yeah, Another Texas Republican Wants Power
Please allow me to introduce Kevin Brady.
Brady is a Republican Congressfool in an area northeast of Houston. He’s not a religious right radical, although he supports those who are. He’s a financial radical. He is a pure capitalist. When Grover Norquist says that he wants government small enough to drag to the bathroom and drown in the bathtub, Grover knows that Kevin Brady is already drawing the water in the tub.
And he drinks a little. Okay, he drinks a lot.
Brady has up and decided that he wants to fight Paul Ryan for chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.
His big thing is tax revision. He wants to drown income tax and replace it with a national sales tax. You know, because that will hurt minimum wage workers more than it’ll hurt him. And that’s just fair because … freedom.
Okay, I have to say that I’m all for Republicans fighting each other. But, Lord Have Mercy, I hope this is a fight we don’t have to see because neither of these cowboys have earned their boots. Both Ryan and Brady will not be happy until there is no middle class and buyer beware is the national motto.
Thanks to Old Mayfly for the heads up.