Oh, Charles, No

September 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican men acting like … well, Republican men.

The University of Texas is investigating an allegation that Texas state Sen. Charles Schwertner sent sexually explicit text messages to a graduate student, including a picture of his genitals.

He’s a Republican, of course.  And he says he’s a “family man.”

The female student met Schwertner at a political event on campus and told him she was interesting in working in politics.  They exchanged information in a professional manner and he started texting her.  According to the student, out of the clear blue, he …

During an otherwise professional exchange on networking and career advice, Schwertner abruptly wrote, “I just really want to f—- you,” and sent her an image that appeared to be a picture of his genitals that was taken in the shower.

She was not impressed and took it directly to university officials to investigate.

Schwertner represents Georgetown, a fancy upscale very red area north of Austin.  By pure lucky coincidence, Glen Maxey and I will be speaking there together on October 13th and I bet Charles’ name comes up. Probably more than once.

He does have a very qualified Democratic opponent, Meg Walsh. As far as I know, Meg has never taken a picture of her winkie and sent it to a grad student, and those are exactly the kind of people we need in the state legislature.

Schweriner denies he did this thing, but you know, there’s pictures sent from his phone.  If they hold a hearing to determine if that’s his winkie, I am definitely going because laughter is good for the soul.


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