Separating the Men from the Girls

September 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican boys on the committee think they need a girl to question the girls.



Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Separating the Men from the Girls”

  1. Mind you, if the specialized attorney the committee has hired to quiz Ford finds that Ford is totally legit, will the 11 guys on that committee accept her findings? Now, if it turns out the other way around, will the 11 guys on that committee accept her findings?

    Plus that idiot on the Hill who thinks that if Kav actually.did as Ford charges still thinks that none of Kav’s past should keep him off the Supremes – – what the blazes does he think is enough to keep someone off the Supremes? Answer: be Merrick Garland.

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    Oh, it just keeps getting better. From McConnel:

    “We have hired a female assistant to go on staff and to ask these questions in a respectful and professional way,” McConnell told reporters. “We want this hearing to be handled very professionally, not a political sideshow like you saw put on by the Democrats when they were questioning Judge Kavanaugh.”

    What he is saying is, the Democrats should have hired a male sexual harasser and attempted rapist of 15 year old girls to question Kavanaugh. How insensitive and unprofessional of them, to let mean ol’ Senators (and worse yet, women-folk) question him. They probably don’t understand “what happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep”. Why, they were worse than the Gestapo, asking direct questions and then trying to keep him from weaseling his way around them.

    Sorry folks, I have to go sob my heart out for poor, abused Kavanaugh. (Less than one nanosecond later): OK, I’ve recovered.

    Let’s not forget that the “dignified and professional” Republicans have unleashed the flying monkeys, and while Senators and Kavanaugh have the taxpayer-funded U.S. Marshal’s Service providing security for them, Ford is hunkered down in some no-name motel with her family, hoping said monkeys don’t find them.

  3. Buttermilk Sky says:

    In the days before Twitter and Fox Noise, did Anita Hill get death threats? I honestly don’t remember.

    The right has really upped its game.

  4. I’m sorry, even if the Republican men on the committee went full Bird Cage, with singing and dance routines, I don’t think anyone would be fooled that they know how to relate to women.

  5. Now I know why Kav went all out on the virginity thing on Fox. It was to “cover” him when reports of gang rape and drugged victims came up.

  6. The Rethugs image scrubber and new spokeswoman for the Dr. Blasey Spanish Inquisition …errrm…hearing… is Rachel Mitchell, an ADA with Maricopa County, AZ, specializing in sex assault crimes.
    Ms. Mitchell has worked closely with Sheriff Joe Arpaio (crAZy dude), so you know that she will be absolutely objective.

    So these Repukes just knew that in questioning and interviewing Dr. Blasey that they would look and sound like Bull O’Connor helping a person of color across a bridge. So they bring in an innocuous-looking female barracuda to politely eviscerate her.

  7. FWIW, Avenatti has dropped a bunch of legal paper on behalf of another alleged Kavanaugh (and Mike Judge) sexual assault (and rape) victim, a Ms. Julie Swetnick.
    So the plot thickens.

  8. The Rethuglicans on that committee know full well that if they personally grilled and tormented Dr. Blasey, their opponents in the next election would have delicious videotape to use in campaign ads. They don’t want their faces on the tape. So they are putting Ms. Mitchell out in front to do their dirty work for them.

  9. Nothing against M Avenatti. Clearly he’s the real deal. I just want to know who’s paying the bills. I’ve just about decided its Tom Steyer. Whoever, it’s personal.

  10. Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, thank you for that graphic of Senator Feinstein with Chuckles Gr-ass-liar, or should that be Ghastly? It’s definitely a new twist on Munchhausen by proxy – 11 old white boys hiding behind an “assistant.” If the prosecutor from AZ is the real deal, she may in the course of the hearing tell those anachronistic cowards to bite themselves.

  11. Could the case spoken of in this link the reason that the thuglicans are pushing so hard for kavanaugh to be confirmed ASAP? Hatch, who sits on judiciary committee, has even submitted an amicus brief in support of “his” ideologues rewriting the constition by judicial fiat.

    Basically the case argues that if their are federal state overlaps of criminal activity that only one enitity could get a bite of the apple. ( why is it always an apple?) – ‘separate sovereigns.’
    The upshot would be that a federal pardon from demented donnie would also apply to any state charges. If this passes demented donnie could start a blizzard of pardons and the states ( i.e. New York) could not use state statutes to prosecute.
    Right now with a 4-4 court the odds of this radical rewrite of law is unlikely to pass but with another blind and obedient ideologue on the bench and demented donnies crew of crooks get their get out of jail free card.
    Hence the possible reason for the blind rush to get kavanaugh on the bench as the 5th obedient servant to demented donnie.

  12. Damn big sigh. The TV was on at the office. Got to see a lot of Senators and other varmints expounding on Kav and all the women that are suddenly turning up from his past. One of them even has a high security clearance and worked for 3 different government agencies. She has also been vetted by the FBI for those jobs. And it is a hoot and a half to see all those old white Senators actually and really so worried about what they might say if they were doing the questioning of Dr. Ford that they are hiding behind a woman. Yeah! They know they’re bad!

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    Buttermilk Sky: that Mrs. Ford is receiving death threats says so much. We are again reminded that the Trump and Kavanope supporters regard people they disagree with the same as they regard mosquitos: kill them. That fully demonstrates how lacking they are in mental tools. I recently had two of my comments accepted by the NYT. It won’t change anything, but it sure felt good to me, and nobody and no mosquites were killed.
