November is Fundraising Month

October 31, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please help us fundraise for Ballot by Mail for Texas Seniors.  Click here to read about it.  This post will stay at the top for the whole month of November.

Okay, what with everything going on at my house, for right now I am going to list the first name and last initial of everyone who sent checks by mail so that they will know I got it.  Thank you notes come later.

Check by mail received:  David P from Houston, Sue G from Bryan, Bobby L from Sacramento, Cindy R from Wimberly, Mary O’ from Albuquerque, Jan V-K from Berkeley, Samella from Detroit, Trent from El Paso, Tom C from Tucson, Beth A from Houston, Mary B a US citizen living in Denmark, Ellen R from Clemson, S.C.,

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