Not the Avocados!

January 27, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know it’s a sad state of affairs for a girl from Texas when this election meant that we went from a taco truck on every corner to a 20% tax on avocados.

This whole idea of me paying 20% tax on avocados is bad enough but do you realize that 71% of tomatoes we get in the US are imported from Mexico, and 98% of the good hot peppers?  Those are the makings of a taco.  I ain’t giving up tacos.

Not only that, but also

Mexico is the biggest exporter of fresh produce to the U.S. by far, responsible for nearly 70 percent of our vegetable imports and almost 40 percent of fruit imports.

And 70% of mangos come from Mexico.

100% of Topo Chico.  And 100% of Corona and Tequila.

But, here’s my biggest concern. Every day when I think about Steve Bannon running our country, I wonder if the wall is to keep Mexico out or the trap me in.


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