Not the Avocados!

January 27, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know it’s a sad state of affairs for a girl from Texas when this election meant that we went from a taco truck on every corner to a 20% tax on avocados.

This whole idea of me paying 20% tax on avocados is bad enough but do you realize that 71% of tomatoes we get in the US are imported from Mexico, and 98% of the good hot peppers?  Those are the makings of a taco.  I ain’t giving up tacos.

Not only that, but also

Mexico is the biggest exporter of fresh produce to the U.S. by far, responsible for nearly 70 percent of our vegetable imports and almost 40 percent of fruit imports.

And 70% of mangos come from Mexico.

100% of Topo Chico.  And 100% of Corona and Tequila.

But, here’s my biggest concern. Every day when I think about Steve Bannon running our country, I wonder if the wall is to keep Mexico out or the trap me in.


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0 Comments to “Not the Avocados!”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, people, please! Do you actually think these people speak from a place of knowledge… about anything? Something bugs them. They have a Twitter tantrum. Then reality rears its ugly head. And then they backtrack or “clarify” or better yet, blame you for “misinterpreting” their words, or worse yet, flat out deny they ever said it.

    Some have called them insane. I wish. This is ego on steroids. This is Napoleon Complex beyond treatment. This is hell.

  2. That Other Jean says:

    What JAK said.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Meh. Nukular war, financial ruination, food priced out of existence, loss of clean air and water are just a few of the small prices Donnie is extracting from me to never ever again need to scrape a slice of slimy avocado off my food in a Cali restaurant. If Donnie can executive order bartenders from dropping fruit in my scotch, we can deal. 😉

    Eh, if Steve Bannon will drop a STFU bomb on Sean Hammity and Bilge O’Lielly, I could give this administration a chance for at least 24 minutes.

    @KellyannePolls Let’s talk

  4. Trump is running the country like its a business; isn’t that what people wanted? Some company (country) doesn’t do what he wants, he threatens them or cuts them off and he expects he can get a different company
    (country) to do what he wants. I’m pretty sure he’s feeling like an emperor right now; he snaps his fingers and all the american businessmen, union leaders, and politicians are making deals with him to screw the people. He expects the rest of the world to follow suit.

  5. Old Mayfly says:

    In my native south Florida, avocados were grown locally. The early “Cracker” settlers called them “alligator pears.”

  6. I grew up in southeast PA, where tomatoes come from Jersey. And what about California? I thought the drought was supposed to cause famine because California was drying up and most of our food comes from there.

    As for Trump– if we all ignore him, will he cease to exist, or just pitch a Rumpelstiltskin fit and blow up? Either way he’s gone.

    Trump goes to the therapist:
    Click on “Here’s No. 2” at the top for the next one.

  7. The Trump disciples have short memories. As they genuflect at the memory of Ronald Reagan, they cheered his admonition – “Tear down this wall, Mr. Gorbachev”. The blowhard pretender needs a headshrinker. I wonder is his wall will preempt tall ladders and dynamite?

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf’s ban on Muslim immigrants does not include countries that have Drumpf properties or permits to build. How convenient.

  9. Trump didn’t think through how an all encompassing 20% tax on Mexican goods would affect the American public, even his supporters. I see it playing out something like this:

    First Trump came for the tomatoes, but they didn’t speak out because who cares about salad?

    Then Trump came for the avocados, but they bought cool ranch dip for their Superbowl party instead of guacamole.

    Then Trump came for the Corona and Tequila…
    “Which way to The Resistance?”

  10. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    You can always get the Florida variety.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    I just want to add something that Sandridge shared on the From Here to There thread a few posts back.

    His example, Mr. Othal, grew a successful business. Probably a conservative in many ways. Did what conservatives profess: work hard. And I’m sure he was affected by the demonization of undocumented workers which might have been part of the reason he opened Mexican operations. Cheap labor, expansion into the Mexican market and competitive advantage for importation of fruits and vegetables into the US. Investing in Mexico so Mexicans will have secure jobs encouraging them to stay in Mexico. All smart moves.

    Now, this man’s compamy, thus his family, are going to be screwed by conservatives if this tariff goes through. His Mexican business may suffer putting his Mexican workers in jeopardy. Thus providing more impetus for them to immigrate to the US.

    Do these idiots in Trumpland not know this? Is this too hard for them to figure out? Believe me, Americans are not standing in line by the thousands for jobs in the fields. They just aren’t. Reality. It’s a bitch.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Spicer sez tariff was just a thought. No harm…..

  13. You know, the Trumpanistas may actually get it when the price of produce increases by 20%, but then again, the idiots may just blame “over-regulation by the Feds” like they do for the decline of the coal industry, the loss of manufacturing and the consequent loss of jobs.

  14. Our “fake president” is a knee-jerk reactionary who doesn’t think, period. The “low information’ voters elected a “low information” president who will have our economy and foreign policy ruined ASAP.

  15. Hmmm. Rince Prybus isn’t going to last long at the WH. He is actually more of a Chamber of Commerce guy. CC members value stability right up there with oxygen. since can’t handle people who bounce off walls. He is lousy at ducking, always gets hit when he thinks he’s clear. After Rince, who else puts on roller skates? I figure any one of a slew of the other “advisors” Trump has put on the payroll. After all, Rince made such a nice buffer zone!

  16. Wapo says several of the people in the administration don’t agree with Orange Toddler’s plans and do not intend to carry them out. Press Sec Sphincter will be doing a lot of walking back. Those Exec Orders are Toddler’s lack of impulse control in action. He orders staffers with little or no experience to write something to match his latest whim, then he has a big signing ceremony. Most of those orders won’t hold up or do what Toddler wants. (God I hate him.)

  17. Sandridge says:

    Corona= hamster piss

    The Agua Topo Chico comes from: “Cerro del Topo Chico (literal English: Small Mole Hill) is a mountain located in the western portion of the city of San Nicolás de los Garza and within the northern limits of the Monterrey metropolitan area”.

    Which is also a neighborhood of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Back in the ’70’s one of the few things there was a big Holiday Inn on the slope of Topo Chico, I spent considerable time there on frequent visits to Monterrey. It was notable for an international cast of drug deal…errr…import-export entrepreneurs.

    I think the tall building in the center-left of the picture here (link below) is the old Holiday Inn.
    Trust me, it was one of few buildings there back then, metro Monterrey has grown 4-5 times over since then.
    Monterrey is also one of the most interesting cities anywhere, far more so than any Texas city.

  18. Sandridge says:

    Old Mayfly and Don A in Pennsyltucky,
    Most supermarket avocados that don’t come from Mexico or C.A. are grown in California.
    When we lived in the RG Valley I had some avocado, banana and mango trees in addition to citrus. There were some small comm’l avocado growers there, but recurrent frost/freeze events destroyed them (those plants just take a nip of frost to wipe them).
    We bought sackfuls of large, delicious, avocados and mangos for $2-3/bag, right off the trees, at a small grower just off Hwy 83 west of Harlingen.
    Dayum, hungry now, time to finish the leftover pizza, w/an avocado, and a cerveza Negra Modelo.

  19. Tilphousia says:

    Mangled apricot hellbeast and #swamp critters don’t understand that a country is NOT a business and can’t be run as one. There isn’t a bankruptcy court for countries. What I don’t understand are the great Senators who aren’t voting against trump’s horrible choices. The only way to stop losing our salsa ingredients is resistance. Total resistance to every appointment. Trump runs on applause, give him silence and empty rooms and watch him implode.

  20. OK, avocados are one thing, so are tomatoes. Mexico has for years been buying pharmaceutical grade whey, a dairy product from our dairy farmers. They are the biggest market we have for this particular product. Whey is a component of the stuff in the IV bags that get dripped into your arm or whatever. Apparently American whey is top notch quality. Cutting the legs off of NAFTA just to satisfy somebody’s feelings of childhood rejection just isn’t going to work. Dairy farmers have cows. Imagine what a dairy farmer march on the WH would look like with animals that poop an average of 75 lbs. a day!

  21. JAKvirginia says:

    Maggie: Cool! Send them to the Oval-O where the other poop is coming from!

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    What Boozebart Bannon, Zionist Jughead Jared, and the cabal surrounding Donnie have failed to mention is that President Peña Nieto has more than his assistance in controlling the Mexican southern border and cooperation with the DEA to withhold from Donnie.

    Donnie doesn’t like NAFTA. Then he should seriously learn about G20 to which we don’t belong. It includes Mexico, India, Brazil, and South Africa to name a few. ( Should he decide to really spank you, Donnie, President Peña Nieto will tell YOU where to shove NAFTA and turn his focus to being a good G20 citizen. Ouch. Yeah oops, Donnie, you’ve probably managed without even trying to also annoy Canadian PM Trudeau this week.

    Heckuva a job, dumba$$.
