New Language In The Trump Era
Okay, so everybody knows the GOP’s favorite whipping boy is the SNAP program, which is food stamps. Even though the majority of those funds either go to children, disabled adults under 60 years of age, or adults over 60 years of age, Republicans want to kill the program and thereby kill all the recipients.
Star Parker goes on Fox News and gives a great example of how things change under Trump. She talked about people who get SNAP benefits —
“These guys are not working. They’re watching. They’re watching porn, they’re watching TV, they’re watching women, they’re watching everything, but they’re not working. And this is what this initiative is attempting to do, is to get them back into their own lives so that they can prosper.”
Okay, first of all, if we won’t let people watch porn, how the hell is Donald Trump gonna get women to mattress thrash with? They’d all be unemployed and need food stamps, so this won’t help.
Second of all, go read that sentence out loud to yourself except replace the word “everything” with “Fox News” and bygawd, you’ve just defined Donald Trump.
Thanks to Phyllis for the heads up.