Low Life Scum Sucking Dogs

January 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, making a PAC pretending to help charities and then targeting old people puts you on the Straight To Hell list, so Kecia Pollock and her husband William better start packing.


The two of them formed 4 PACs:



They raised $1.4 million from these PACs in 2018.  Obviously, that’ll get you a very nice home in Vegas.

And to think, in 2012 they declared bankruptcy.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen.

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0 Comments to “Low Life Scum Sucking Dogs”

  1. https://www.mylife.com/kecia-pollock/e680160223302

    Notice the aka list and the aha boxes indicating lawsuits, etc.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Well dayum, those two actually managed some edumacating from Trump U. Must have taken the advanced grift course featuring Dimwit Mint Jr and The Donald J. Trump Foundation. United States Attorney’s Office District of Nevada can borrow the template from SDNY to apply some forfeiture law to Kecia and William.

  3. Charles R Phillips says:

    I know, we could start a PAC ourselves, like “WE NEED TRUMP!” PAC, or maybe “Jesus Saves,” or something equally generic, and make RIVERS of money. Or, should I say, “Acres of Diamonds?”

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Charles R Phillips, “Acres of Diamonds” sounds like a dress line of plus sizes by Cubic Zirconia and Polyester, aka Diamond & Silk, the biological sisters from North Carolina who are Donnie supporters. Maybe they’ve cut a deal with Moscow Barbie aka 1/2 of Javanka to run a sweat shop in China. Without China and fraud charities, they’d all starve to death.

  5. Karen Crosby says:

    Send this piece to the New Democrat Senator Farm Nevada. She ‘s got staff.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Karen Cosby, sent. Along with a missive from Harry Reid about Donnie. Senator Cortez Masto was previously the Nevada State Attorney General, so she knows who to call. We don’t really know Senator-elect Jackie Rosen; she’s was the rep down in so. NV. We’re so far north we’re in Amodei’s district (to be fixed in 2020).


    Between Senators Cortez Masto, Harris, Klobuchar and Warren, Dotard45 and Old Scratch McConnell have their very own #MeToo movement in the Senate. With Speaker Pelosi and Representatives Cheri Bustos, Katherine Clark, Sharice Davids, Debbie Dingell, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Barbara Lee, Jackie Speier, Maxine Waters, Fredericka Wilson, to name a few, the House side of the Congress has a legislative cannon aimed at Donnie and Old Scratch.

    January 3rd. The official start of our Happy New Year!

  7. They followed the Trump model of self enrichment by fraud and hypocrisy to perfection.

  8. Charles R Phillips says:

    PKM (4), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Conwell

    Early mega church pastor of the prosperity gospel and his most famous inspirational essay and sermon. After reading this, please shower, scrubbing hard, and use Fel’s Naptha soap.

  9. slipstream says:

    I dunno. In the lead-up to the 2016 election, I started a PAC: “Mexicans for Trump.” But I really didn’t get much in the way of contributions.

  10. Who says Comrade Bonespurs ain’t a dang fine inspirational leaduh, he just inspired the hell into the Pollocks.Bet they audited classes at tRump U and larned grad level grifting.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Charles R Phillips beginning the day with a wire brush in the shower and industrial grade Fel’s naptha soap was startling. But the article on Russell Cornwell was a real whipsaw. Rich, decent and honest may have worked better in the early 20th century apart from the “robber barons.” Not so much today with Dotard45 and Mittens. Mittens laid out some weapons grade cognitive dissonance with his claim implying his time at Bain Capital was any less crooked than Donnie’s direct thievery. Pot, kettle, whatever when trying to claim catawampus isn’t crooked. The Cornwell Acres of Diamonds concept would blow past both Donnie and Willard.

  12. Charles R Phillips says:

    Yeah, PKM, but it illuminates the whole concept of robber barons and big religion: they are connected, they are one.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Phillips, PT Barnum flat out told the rubes, but they never seem to grab a clue. Donnie is the penultimate blend of what’s wrong with religion mixed with politics and unregulated capitalism. For the most part capitalism is fine, we want to amass enough that our boys will be educated and fed. We just don’t grasp the greed permitted to starve 100 children to gild a church or own 9 yachts and too many houses to count. Maybe when we define enough and excess in our culture we’ll make some progress. Until then, a nice progressive tax code will have to do the trick. Another letter to our Senators …
