Guuurl …

January 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, girlfriends, hike up those ta-tas a little higher today to celebrate that Washington Dee Cee and the State of Texas are both well on their way to where men are men and women are … in charge.

Be sure to watch the swearing in live and stand up when they swear Nancy in.


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0 Comments to “Guuurl …”

  1. Hell,— its been that way in this house for as long as I can remember.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    The ceremony is historic and to be appreciated for certain. But the gavel parties later will be awesome. Speaker Pelosi says she isn’t taking impeachment off the table. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Ca) has that bill ready to rock. Good times! January 3rd, a day to be remembered as the true beginning of Happy New Year 2019.

    Now open the damn government, Donnie, or do you need a spanking first?

  3. Thank G-d we finally have a woman (a smart, competent one) leading the house.

  4. The newbies have their offices open all day for meet and greet, so I am unsure as to when the official swearing in takes place. By the way, one newbie had a great idea. He had his meet and greet at a bar! After office hours. I think this guy is actually going to be an up and comer.

  5. @Jane & PKM

    That spanking comment nearly killed me.

    The sitting president trussed up. YMMV
    Pelosi in snug black leather sporting a cat o’nine tails.

    “You MY bit*h now buckaroo.”

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa, better yet, Speaker Pelosi is accompanied by a number of highly competent women to chair some committees. What Chairwoman Maxine Waters will do to Donnie is positively awesome. Would also like to see Rep Fredericka Wilson take charge of education to school some sense into Betsy DeVos.

    High crimes and misdemeanors are what the House says they are. If Dotard45 continues to pound on his high chair tray demanding his ridiculous wall, refusing to govern, that’s impeachable by definition.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, this spanking is about to cost Donnie a whole lot more than the rolled up magazine did. He’s about to be pussy whipped for $5.6 billion or whatever his latest outrageous demand for his st00pid wall. Dumbass had $25 billion with DACA on his desk; let him regret not signing that now.

  8. Nancy got 220 votes. Very nicely done. And she is only about a year older than I am! So glad so many people still value experience and expertise. She kinda reminds me of old Tom Jefferson who could do two different things at the same time and superbly!

  9. I recall an editorial cartoon the last time Pelosi became Speaker– don’t remember who drew it– the GOP gang in charge at the time as a bunch of brats standing in the room surrounded by their destruction, staring at the angry woman in the doorway, and one saying, “Oh, crap– Mom’s here.”

  10. Jane & PKM,

    I understand that there are now more women in both the congress and the senate than ever before. And I think we need to elect more women in 2020 to every office.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa, more women everywhere, please! As a former Air Force guy, more women at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon and DoD would cure just what ails the military, too. As a fiscal conservative, I abhor waste and wasting talent is wasting one of our greatest assets. As a son, brother of 3 sisters and husband have always pretty much felt this way. But two trips into the delivery room? I’m convinced.

  12. To quote a tweet by Mrs. Betty Bowers re: Nancy P’s speakership, “How ironic that it takes a woman to give Democrats a pair.”

  13. @Jan

    Thanks for the memory. I haven’t checked in on Landover Baptist or Betty in years. Back in a bit!
