Muslim! Muslim! The Muslims Are Coming.

May 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We here in Texas don’t cotton to Muslims.  You can’t trust them, you know.  Every single one of them came to this country with intent to blow something up.

Near Dallas.



A candidate for a House seat in Ellis County is raising questions about one of his opponent’s donors because the donor is a Muslim.

T.J. Fabby, a small-business owner from Red Oak, said that voters should be aware that Ali Sharaf, a wealthy North Texas businessman and donor to several Republican candidates, is backing opponent John Wray, a former Waxahachie mayor.

Yes, it appears that Sharaf is the owner of Victron Energy and the Texas Best Smokehouse franchise.  (Is that allowed?)  He gave a $5,000 political donation.

And how did Wray defend taking the donation?  Did he stand up and say, “This is America, dammit!”  Did he say, “He’s an American citizen and he has a right to donate money to a campaign?”  No, he did not.

His defense?

“He’s been very supportive of Christian charities in the area,” he said.

Honey, that’s just a shiver looking for a spine to run up.  So that’s the smell test?  Not freedom, not even liberty, but how much money do you give Christian charities?

And, of course, Fabby responded thusly …

Sharaf “can say that he’s a peaceful Muslim all that he wants to, but the fact is he’s declared war right here with the money he’s given to people,” he said.

Holy cow.  That there is some diesel powered hate.

The only weird thing about this story is why the fool tarnation is Sharaf supporting Republicans?  How much self-loathing do you have to have to be a Muslim and give money to a Republican?

Apparently, a crazy amount.

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0 Comments to “Muslim! Muslim! The Muslims Are Coming.”

  1. As far as I’m concerned he’s declared war on America by giving $5000 to a Publican candidate, but apparently he’s allowed to do that.

  2. Maybe he isn’t a Muslim at all but a good, god-fearing christian like those holier-than-thou GOPers! The hate and stupidity just burns!

  3. John in Louisiana says:

    ” How much self-loathing do you have to have to be a Muslim and give money to a Republican?”

    The same way you give money to Republicans if you’re a Jew, a Christian, or any other religion: You either believe that G-d wants you to force other people to live by the dictates of your religion, or you love money more than you do G-d..

  4. Not all bigots are Republican. But if you are a Republican then you are probably a bigot.

  5. I researched Fabby’s biography. The “T.J.” stands for Teabagger Jackass.

  6. UmptyDump says:

    Vile speech and behavior is nothing new, but it is increasingly unsettling today to see its contagious increase among Texas political conservatives, and, moreover, that they attempt to defend it on the basis of some moral justification. It happens in other states, but it seems that people in Texas are leading the pack. I feel sad for the Texas citizens who still try to practice respect and toleration for their fellows.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. Just for fun google TEXANS FOR LAWSUIT REFORM AND KOCH BROTHERS. Y’all can untangle it all.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Well, now, he may have a point. We all should be concerned about religious people and politics. I mean, look at what the Xtians have done! Y’know?

  9. You’d think there would be an exception to the rule when a Muslim is in both the oil and beef industry.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    This is my gift to you for now. Opinions? Agree? Disagree? and I imagine Sen. Warren is cool with Muslims. Y’all have fun.

    The New Populism Conference – Campaign For America’s …
    Campaign for America’s Future
    delivers the keynote address at The New Populism conference. HIGHLIGHTS. • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: “The New Populism Is A Fight for America’s Values” … ROBERT BOROSAGE, Co-Director, Campaign for America’s Future. 10 a.m., The …

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Kool, Marge Wood and thank you. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders energize the youth vote. We love them, and we love Gov. Howard Dean. Think about it, excitement with the 3 fore mentioned or Mitch, best represented by Jon Stewart’s impression ‘up yup uh huh?’.

    Can’t say it too often, if Sec/Sen Clinton wants our votes, she has to tack left. Two interesting rumblings this week were that candidates in the 2014 midterms want First Lady Obama to campaign for them and there’s an increasing hint that we youngsters want our FLOTUS to primary Sec/Sen Clinton from the left.

    2016 primary, Hillary Clinton vs Michelle Obama. Meh? I’m ready to give Bo and Sunny 8 more years of storm pooping the White House lawn. Sure beats the storm pooping blue dogs and the neutered RINOs and Tea morons do in Congress.

  12. How can you be a woman and support the GOP? How can you be gay and support the GOP?

    Heck, how can you be a straight white male who wants honest pay for honest work and support the GOP?

  13. Kate Dungan says:

    T.J. mows lawns for a living in a one man operation…kinda like my son when he was 12. His wife supports him. Fabby think Gov. Rick is a muslim/terrorist supporter for taking money from Sharriff.

    Shariff gives to repubicans because they are the power structure in Ellis County. He’s done some dodgy things.

    Wray is trying to get elected so Fabby won’t embarrass us down in Austin. He’s actually sane and he’s smart, even if he’s a republican. I think he trying to not roil the water just now.

  14. Grown people with children and grand children spreading hatred and lies about someone they they dont even know as person.

    This is how our children learn to treat others.
