I’ve Reported It

May 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys – the comment section is a little flaky this morning.  New comments show up only when you hold your nose right.  I’ve reported it but they warned they are on vacation, too, unless it’s an emergency.  I think it is.

Well, that as quick.  Everything seems to be working now!

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0 Comments to “I’ve Reported It”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Let’s get Issa to investigate!

  2. I’ve had trouble with comments for a while here..

  3. Just think what it will be like once they get through with Net Neutrality.

  4. Ask Ted to fix it – God can tell him what’s wrong

  5. W. C. Peterson says:

    You’re not hosted by the same people that created the Oregon and Maryland Health Care Exchanges, are you? That would explain why it doesn’t work from time to time.

  6. maryelle says:

    I know this will sound like paranoia, but with all the problems this site has had, could it be the target of some Repug hackers tryin’ to screw things up for Dems?

  7. Juanita Jean says:

    I’m with a small company out of Austin. They couldn’t be nicer guys and they jump when I have a problem. I’m gonna stick with them for a while. I don’t think the kinks they’ve had are entirely their own fault. I think the NSA needs to quit jacking around with the internet.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Bingo, Juanita Jean! There are coinky dinks and then there are coincidences. NSA finally admits to knowing about the ‘bleeding heart’ programming error, then odd things begin happening. Had the NSA identified and allowed the programmer to fix that minor error, instead of exploiting it as a ‘back door’ into any number of servers, it would have been the old stitch in time.

    BTW The company you are working with is doing just fine. Glitches are a pain, but the problems as experienced on this site are minor compared to what I’ve experienced on a number of sites. Visit some places and it sounds like the harddrive wants to fry itself.

    Our bank was hit by the NSA back door screw. We did all the recommended things, but still are not happy. Called the bank and also sent a letter that informed them all automatic withdrawals or checks against our account are not to be honored without a phone call prior to authorize. Lucky for us, the bank is totally responsive and responsible. Coincidentally located in the beautiful city, San Antonio, TX.

    Here’s the rub, folks. ‘Bleeding heart’ is not a virus or a worm. It was a programming error, so often it bypasses security systems unnoticed. So yeah, once again, I do recommend changing passwords as a minimum and close accounts, if need be to protect your money and credit.
