Remember This Dude?

May 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember the dude who scored the Presidential debates and then, just for fun, hung a chair (think: Clint Eastwood) by a noose from his business sign?

Remember how he said that was not, absolutely not, totally and completely not, not racist.

And neither is this.




Because, dammit, we never learn the history of white people.  I mean, it’s totally ignored.

Same dude.  Same mental health issues.

It’s a good thing we live in post-racist America.  Wouldn’t it be butt-ignorant if there were still racists out there?

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up and the great picture near Ellinger on Texas Highway 71.

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0 Comments to “Remember This Dude?”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Right nut gun nuts, right nut racists and clowns in Congress like Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan with their racial dog whistles. Ted Cruz, the immigrant without clear US citizenship and Paul, oh by the way my family survived on taxpayer dollars, seriously baffle me. “Got mine, screw you” should be a hard sell in 2014.

    Screw them. Nothing breeds success like success. Feed and educate children. Provide health care. Provide an environment in which every child has access to health care, nutrition and and education.

    There’s the path to success, or there’s the GOP austerity plan when the 01.% becomes the .001%, aka Koch Whore World.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy crap, no joke our entire politics file and favorites just disappeared.

  3. Mary R. says:

    Dear PKM:
    In the “Got mine, screw you” race, the frontrunner simply HAS to be our wonderful Attorney General, who sued the property owner and the tree service for millions when he was crippled by a falling limb, then worked his rump off to pass tort reform so no one else could be awarded enough to pay attorneys’ fees and medical care bills for a major injury. What an outstanding example of Christian Republican … er … um … Words fail me.

  4. W. C. Peterson says:

    A Junk Dealer? Real Salt of the Earth, I’ll betcha.

  5. It’s not enough, I guess, that Black History Month is the shortest one on the calendar, and that White History Month is March 1- January 31. I don’t suppose he likes Women’s History Month either, because it just ignores and degrades men’s history for 30 days….

    “I useta have it ALL, and I’m hangin’ on with teeth and claws!”

    Okay, we’ll make June White (Men’s) History Month. Happy now? The rest of the time we’ll talk about other people.

  6. Does the question mark after June mean he is questioning the month’s existence or he just doesn’t know what day it is?

    (It’s still May, actually.)

  7. So it wasn’t enough that June also is home to Father’s Day, graduations and weddings, he just had to go and mess up a perfectly good month with a load of hot bilge! Hey, jerk! The universe is watching and it will get you for that. Best yet. You will never see it coming.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Ooo! I like Rhea’s position. Let’s limit the teaching of white men’s history to one month a year. Then we’ll see where fair and balanced gets us!

  9. Marge Wood says:

    PKM, are you talking about your own computer files or what? I’ll be busy most of the day but want to hear more about that. My husband’s computer basically has leprosy or somethiing and the whole background screen is bright orange instead of the usual dark blue and about all he can do with it is email which doesn’t much interest him. No music. He got “helped” by some guy he let talk him into “fixing” something and all his incoming calls are on Skype. I am trying to ignore it. Learniing is hard. But what’s going on?

  10. Mary R., Shabby Abby is a political cousin to columnist Charles Krauthammer, M.D. (psychiatrist) who took an illegal midnight swim in a hotel pool sans lifeguard. CK broke his back as a result and he actually sued and won against the hotel despite the fact that he had to transgress obvious security to do what he did. Now he is dead set against the “victimization” he says is so prevalent in our society. Stupid is as stupid does, and I would add, goes on to dump it all on the rest of us.

  11. maryelle says:

    Yes, LynnN, his choice of punctuation placement casts doubt over the whole mess.

  12. Rhea beat me to a comment about his needing to celebrate Men’s History Month. As if we don’t get that the 11 months other than March when we don’t recognize Women’s history.

    I guess we celebrate what’s important to us. The closest cemetery where my close relatives are buried is over 100 miles away so I’m not doing Memorial Day stuff today, other than maybe watching something on tv later.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, this is the second time we have had an entire computer file mysteriously relocated and hidden inside another file. Found it. Last time it took 3 days to locate the ‘missing’ file. Strange things happening. There are 3 sites on our favorites list that we cannot visit for more than a few minutes, or the hard drive makes really loud noises and will threaten to freeze, if we don’t depart.

  14. Wouldn’t it be better if the white people who thought they needed a white history month held it in January? A lot of the country is covered in white snow for background decor, and the department stores have white sales, so participants could stock up on sheets at a good price.

  15. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I imagine he has big plans for Juneteenth!

    Good Grief.

  16. UmptyDump says:

    This month’s activities must be treated with reverence and respect. Put on a white sheet and hood before reading the recommended white history books.

  17. donquijoterocket says:

    I was just wondering if Texas highway 71 is one of those they’re going to abandon and let return to gravel? In which case this idjits business is bound to suffer some. Thinking about it he’s probably one of those leading the movement. Obviously has never read or maybe even heard of Howard Zinn.

  18. Gypsycrone says:

    White “his-story” would be a great idea if the “story” were objective enough to include the good, bad & ugly, present and past–a “story” to help raise the consciousness of all of us–especially those of us (dare I say most if not all of us) who believe we have become free of our own mainstream-cultural-prejudicial socialization/indoctrination. Maybe so many, mostly old, white men who have continued to dominate power positions (and writing of his-story) would no longer be there if we were all more aware (raised consciousness) of how we may unwittingly support the continuing consequences of the enduring lack of objectivity presented by white his-
    story. So bring it on–a really good look, more objective look at white his-story.

  19. 1toughlady says:

    What a douche.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Gypsycrone, remember how unglued Tucker Carlson became, when white male privileges was discussed? “The Lady doth protest too much/muck.”

    Mama Carlson should have saved the money she spent sending her little twerp to college and all the ill spent favors it cost her to find him a bobble head gig.

    Little *ucker would have learned more in a week of real work than he missed sitting in his privileged white chair in some sanctimonious vacuum for years, very expensive years. Inherited wealth and trust fund babies do more damage to our democracy than any of the alleged ‘terrorist’ babies.

    Too late for the Walton heirs to take their privileged alcohol sodden craniums to college, too old to work, so let them retire early on their social security. Oops, they didn’t pay any taxes. Off with them to an island with Paris Hilton and so many others. The Gaza Strip has nice beaches. let them work on their tans there with John Boehner.

    Coinky doink moment, if others of any color other than white are so bad, what ‘up on the fixation some whites have for tanning?

  21. Rubymay says:

    Rick — what an excellent idea! Celebrate and do your KKK wardrobe shopping at the same time — how fun!

  22. Zyxomma says:

    No. No, no, no, no, NO. They can’t have June. That’s when I celebrate my birthday, and they CANNOT have it. I have spoken.
