Monday Morning Hangover

January 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I don’t drink much but think I’m gonna have to start.  Or, we could make this easy and legalize weed.

Flat out truth: if you need any further evidence that this election was helped by raw racism, all you gotta do is close your eyes and picture Jeff Sessions as head of the Justice Department for the whole damn country.  Jeff Session, who once claimed that he liked the Ku Klux Klan until he found out that they smoked marijuana.  Which makes me need some marijuana.

Deval Patrick wrote an amazing letter to the House Judiciary Committee on his dealings with Sessions.  The rightwing media is calling all this “slander.”  Honey, to be slander, it has to be untrue.  Jeff Sessions is a racist and cares not one twit about women’s rights.  So, sue me.

I watch Meryl Streep last night. I thought she was brilliant. In the wee hours of this morning, alleged president elect Donald Trump spent 25 minutes writing three tweets about Streep’s speech.   Yep, three tweets eight minutes apart.

Also happening yesterday, North Korea says it has ICBMs ready to launch.  I guess that’ll have to wait until Trump clears his Twitter calendar.

KellyAnne went on Fox News this morning for her usual grooming and said …

“I’m concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep is also, I think, inciting people’s worst instincts,” Conway said.

Yeah, I’m bumfuzzled, too.  The Queen of Appealing to Worst Instincts doesn’t own a mirror.

Kick it into second gear and lets get this week started.


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