Yo Mitch, Kiss My Big Blue Butt

January 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitch McConnell and alleged President Elect Donald Trump are pitching a hissy fit that the senate should immediately rubber stamp Trump’s political appointments without any question.

The Juanita Jean Time Machine says … oh, really?

Here is the letter that Mitch McConnell sent to Harry Reid regarding hearings on President Obama’s nominees. A demand for full and complete disclosure before any hearing could be SCHEDULED.


Click here to see the big one.

Of course, things have changed since 2009.  We don’t have a black president now.


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0 Comments to “Yo Mitch, Kiss My Big Blue Butt”

  1. Harry should provide this letter to his replacement who should present it in its entirety right back to turtleface, with Reid’s name lined and out and McConnell’s name added, and with the signature replaced by the Democratic leader.

  2. I’m thinking we should all print copies of this, change the date to 2017, and send them to the leaders of both houses of Congress and our senators.

    Just friendly reminders, don’t you know?

  3. have you guys called/emailed your senators yet?

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    Well, you know it’s that old “tit for tat” thing and you don’t have to do any of that because you’re a goddamned Republican or you think you’re one even though you’re a proven SOB-elect POS.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie and ‘team’ feeling guilty? Fill out the paperwork boys and girls. Let’s see those tax returns, too.

    What a bunch of special snowflakes. Pity the taxpayers of NY. They’re subsidizing Donnie more than a $million per month because our White House is too shabby for his TLOTUS and 3rd son.

  6. When I clicked the big one, the copy wasn’t clear enough to print and send to my senators and representative. Is there a copy somewhere that would provide those clear, unquestionable guidelines that they would have no trouble reading…and hopefully understanding? The embedded one is easier to read and bigger than the “big” one.

    I am e-mailing them about everything now.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    AK Lynne, copy/paste to a word document and then you can adjust the print such that they could read it from across the room, if you so desire. Something suitable that they can place on a chart like Jason Chaffetz would. 😀

  8. Sandridge says:

    I had the misfortune of briefly seeing the weaselly (apologies to all furry Mustelinae) Dishonorable Senator from Kan’tucky, _itch McTurtle, flapping his jowls on “Face the Nation this morning (I avoided the other two progs, MTP & TWw/G.Stepininit, urk).

    That oleaginous SOB was whining about how many and how fast he and his ilk cleared through Obama’s people and how aaawful it would be if the Democrats tried to slow up the mighty MOBOTUS’s gang of thieves and lunatics (MOBOTUS=Mob Operated Basturd of the US).
    FUITA too, -itch.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    The last congress approved the least number of federal judges since 1952. I doubt McCTurtle is in any position to demand approval of anything.

  10. #3 Tax returns. What did McConnell want to see that for? A tax return can’t possibly have bearing on anything, can it?

  11. AliceBeth says:

    McConnell is the most hypocritical, least self-aware person I have ever heard of. Can I just have a few moments alone with him to speak my mind???

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    The rules are different for Republicans. Or maybe Mitch just has a shitty memory. (That was supposed to be a short memory but a demon has posessed this device.)

  13. Diane Clay says:


    Stay well. You’re the only way I’ll survive the next four years.

  14. I knew there had to be a song for this, so I Googled “Hipocrisy Song” and I think this is most apt for this example of snacilbupeR assholery. It’s by a band named Radio Dept.

    “Reallocating property
    We engender transformation
    We’re not concerned with poverty
    Just the rebirth of a nation
    No time for hesitation
    Not even on occasion

    This will be our legacy:
    A vengeful population
    It’s part of our conspiracy
    And our motivation
    And who needs integration
    When we’ve got isolation?
    It’s the rebirth of a nation
    The rebirth of a nation

    We don’t mind democracy
    We have our ways around it
    This new improved hypocrisy
    Will help us to impound it
    An old school education
    Will show this generation”

  15. When Obama took office, he had 54 court vacancies to fill.

    Trump will have 103, including a Supreme, because the GOP refused to act on so many of Obama’s nominations, and those are only the judicial nominations.

    So if McConnell wants to whine about taking a decent interval to make sure that security clearances are completed before nominations are voted on, he can– No, I won’t say “kiss mine” because I don’t want the slimy SOB anywhere near me. He can eat **** and die.


    The WashPost today had a first-person account of an extremely well-qualified nominee for an unpaid advisory position on a committee that was divided between the parties, so his seat was reserved for a Democrat, and still Obama’s term is expiring before they bother to vote on him.


  16. I am opposed to tattoos because I consider them mutilations. I’m against bodily mutilations of all kinds (let us not speak of FGM, thank you). I don’t even have pierced ears.

    However, I would pay good money to somebody who will hold the turtle down and tattoo “HYPOCRITE” on his forehead.

    What appalling scum that alleged man is.

  17. Holy schnitzel! Did Meryl Streep ever lay into the cocksplat and everything he slithers for! The Great Ms. Streep got a special award on the Golden Globes and she gave a beautifully and powerfully critical speech about his sliminess, especially highlighting his meanness and the dire need for an honest free press. Wow. The cocksplat has a new or greatly enlarged anal orifice now.

    I’ve always liked Meryl Streep, but now I’m madly in love with her. What a woman!

  18. Alice Beth–Maybe not. There’s 1 taking the oath of office in a few days…

  19. Here is Streep’s incredible speech eviscerating the cocksplat. It will warm the cockles of your tender little hearts.


  20. Fred Farklestone says:

    Two Million Dollars a Day to Protect Trump and his Family, But It’s About to Get a Lot More Expensive…


  21. Except for item #7 Courtesy Visits, the Senator’s letter appears quite reasonable. The appointment of every cabinet member and the primary assistants is a major decision that requires due diligence and considered deliberation.
    The Failure of the race-bating deadbeat misogynist to appoint a transition team that can accomplish it’s work on an timely and efficient manner is not the fault of the of the Senate.
    Back ground checks take time, they are more than a quick google search. The same is true with financial disclosure, these must be verified.
    There will always be some conflict of interest with every qualified appointee, hence the need for an ethics check. Has the nominee place the right over self interest in the past vs screw you I’m getting mine no matter what?
    If the transition is indicative of the new administration we are in for a rough ride even if they have the best intentions.

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Cole, masterful … “even if they have the best intentions.”

    Donnie and his oligarchs have the best of intentions, regarding lining their own pockets. I could rant on about Donnie’s selections of old geezers intent to bribe their way through the Pearly Gates, if the gates existed. But that would be ageist and a failure to recognize the next generation of Donnie dipsticks and their nest feathering intentions. Fuggedabout Donnie’s 3 older “children.” Jared Kushner the SIL seems qualified to be a bigger crook than his own father and Donnie combined.

    Fred Farklestone, it makes one contemplate the military prowess of NY Gov Andrew Cuomo. Does his NG have the capability to land a drone strike where it would do the most public good? Would hate to think Kim Jong-un is the best hope.

  23. @Nefer

    First rattle out of the box ya beat me like a rented mule.

    Yep, the Dems need to send that memo right back to the turtle. Since it was soooooo calm and cool back in 2009 and all. I’ve always preferred to beat an opponent into the ground with their own words.


  24. e platypus onion says:

    Nefer says:
    January 8, 2017 at 3:37 pm
    Harry should provide this letter to his replacement who should present it in its entirety right back to turtleface, with Reid’s name lined and out and McConnell’s name added, and with the signature replaced by the Democratic leader.

    Schumer has done just that


  25. Linda Phipps says:

    Schumer already did this. But an inundation wouldn’t hurt.
