Breaking My Heart

October 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am pretty darn sure that Mike Pence has never heard of Donald Trump.  Huff Post agrees.

Somebody should introduce them.  Seriously.

Let’s pretend that Mike Pence is not a raging homophobe, anti-choice, and on the verge of being defeated in his own state.  Even if Pence was a genius, a missionary, a popular governor, and a graduate of Harvard law school, Trump still would not listen to his Vice-Presidential running mate.

This breaks my heart.  I have an acquaintance who is a Facebook Republican. She is a sweet woman and claims to be a Christian, but this is what the cult of Donald Trump is doing to people. I sent her a note this morning that I was going to turn off her feed on my Facebook page until after the election because this crap is unforgivable.



Her response to a friend pointing out that it’s untrue?  Well, he “looks and acts like a perv”, and that Snopes is run by Hillary supporters.  Yes, truth does have a liberal bias.

It is totally amazing to me that there are women in my world who think that Tim Kaine is a perv but Trump is a fine Christian man who has never done a perverted thing in his life.

anne_holton_dnc_hdqtrs_phoenix_az_sept_2016But, what bothers me most is that she went after Tim Kaine’s lovely and brilliant wife, Anne Bright Holton, who also attended Harvard Law, has been a Juvenile Court Judge, and has three children including a son who is currently a Marine.

She is a smart and accomplished woman.  I’m pretty certain that Donald Trump would purposefully insult her appearance but he can never insult her heart and mind, so his minions spread the rumor that she has sex with other men.

That is disgusting and deplorable, so Hillary can add another one to the basket.

I have pretty much ignored all the other lies the woman has posted on Facebook.  But this is the end of this crap.  It’s a cult thing, y’all.  I swear it’s a cult.  People will turn their backs on their own moral code and see real live monsters under the bed if Trump tells them to.

Sorry for the rant, but this break my heart.


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0 Comments to “Breaking My Heart”

  1. charles r. phillips says:

    A friend I used to work with, a decent hard-working veteran, funny as a three cat quartet, is now no longer allowed to post anything on my Facebook page.

    I put up with “Killary,” “Lying Hillary,” and all sorts of vitriolic hyperbole, but when he attacked me, that was enough. I too am a veteran, and contrary to his drunken assertions, a God loving heterosexual. He had to go; he’s gone.

  2. Fred Farklestone says:

    Blogger’s observation of Pence right after he was inaugurated as Governor of Indiana!

  3. Oy! How utterly disgusting, yet sad, that people believe this cr*p. The worst is that when confronted with the truth, they refuse to believe it. What a mockery these people have made of their stellar brain power, reason and logic. And unfortunately it’s been going on forever.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    I know how you feel. These people are so, what? Brainwashed? Hateful? Bigoted? Un-Christian? Anti-woman? All of the above? For the life of me I can’t figure them out. Condemn Bill’s infidelities but be silent about Trump’s. Be a woman but support policies against women. As they, in Autumn the nuts fall from the trees… but this is ridiculous.

  5. I find it difficult to believe that anyone supporting tRump ever had a moral code.

  6. Sam in San Antonio says:

    I love Colbert’s quote of Pence, “I try to get down on my knees every morning”. Nuff said.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “I am pretty darn sure that Mike Pence has never heard of Donald Trump.”

    True, Ms. JJ, very true. But in Mike’s defense, he hasn’t been the same since Donnie slipped a little something in his drink on the night he asked him to be VP.

  8. I had to unfriend my sis-in-law for similar reasons. Never re-friended her. I can live without all the crap she posted.

  9. Dear Facebook Republican,

    When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Better start stocking up on the Raid.

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    Sorry you lost a “sweet” friend, but really, even the prettiest peach you buy at the market could already be harboring rot.

    I had not seen the particular nonsense she sent your way; had I seen that post somewhere, you would hear myself-righteous vent all the way from Virginia to Texas.

    Pence in my opinion was the cool, unflappable one at the debate, and Kaine the aggressive hot one (a surprise to me to see him come out swinging like that), but I still think Pence’s positions are deplorable.

  11. “People will …see real live monsters under the bed if Trump tells them to.”

    There’s a LOT of truth to that:

    “Right-wing authoritarians …proselytize; they lick stamps; they put pressure on loved ones; and they revel in being loyal to a cohesive group of like-thinkers. They are so submissive to their leaders that they will believe and do virtually anything they are told.” – Robert Altermeyer.

    And by “Right-wing authoritarians” he meant Reich-wing social conservatives!

  12. Stupidity is the ‘gift’ that keeps on giving, no matter how desperately we wish it would just go away.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    I read yesterday that HRC was going to put kristians in detainment camps. Dog I hope so.

  14. Pollytiques says:

    And there you have why I refuse to have anything at all to do with Facebook. I would be in a lot of trouble all the time.
    Here’s something I found on the Daily Kos…my favorite meme so far in this circus.
    “Imagine a woman who showed up [to a presidential debate] unprepared, sniffling like a coke addict and interrupting her opponent 70 times. Let’s further imagine that she had 5 kids by 3 men, was a repeated adulterer, had multiple bankruptcies, paid zero federal taxes and rooted for the housing crisis in which many thousands of families lost their homes. Wait… there’s more: she has never held any elected office in her life.” -Michelle Vitalione (Vitali)

  15. Garbage has been going on way before Jefferson’s opponents said he was going to close all the churches and burn all the Bibles. The fact that their apocalyptic predictions never come true has no impact on them– they probably think the whistles they’re blowing keep the polar bears away. (Old joke: “But there are no polar bears for 1000 miles.” “See, it works!”)

    It’s bad enough when facts go in one ear and out the other. In many cases they go in one ear, hit solid concrete, and bounce back out the same ear.

    And they often accuse us of being a cult– especially the climate change deniers. No, a cult is based on belief with no facts, and that would be them.

  16. It is a cult. And I am thinking that all its members should be given a nice tall glass of Kool-Aid on Nov. 9 as they will no longer have a saviour to follow.

  17. JJ, I know how you feel. I have a friend that I did not speak too during the Idiot Son’s 8 years. On a one-to-one basis, he would do anything to help you. He considers himself to be an “Independent”. I asked him if he ever voted for a Democrat for President and he said “No.” So much for clarity of thought. He is handicapped so anything the gub’mint can do for him (and we taxpayers have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for medical care, special chairs, etc.) are all good and well. But gub’mint money for anybody else? Hell No!

    We are back in touch now, but we NEVER talk politics.

  18. Once they prove incapable of thinking in anything other than talking points and logical fallacies I unfriend their asses.

  19. 1smartcanerican says:

    JJ, I am so close to doing the same with a good friend of mine, one I consider a “sister”. I just skip over her posts, but if she were to post the above, I’d have to block her also. That said, she does not support Trump but slams Sec. Clinton constantly and with total disregard to any truth. It is so frustrating!

  20. I’m avoiding Facebook. I had a “friend” who has no problem with DT’s comments on women. When asked why, she said she was “pretty” so he would like her! I give up.

  21. Marge Wood says:


  22. Well, there you go again…

    Even The Gipper’s son is disavowing this Klown Krusade!

    I don’t do Facebook, but I have been trying to inject logic (about the non-heroic facts surrounding Drumpf) into some of the comment-streams. The best part is taking some of their own comments about how vile Killary supporters are, and point by point listing how Drumpf would be guilty of the same things. Really that was just too easy…

  23. ” into some of the comment-streams.” on TheBlaze…

  24. Like Pollytiques no Facebook, not ever. There is enough misery in life without adding to it with an unending stream of stupidity, ignorance (no not the same thing at all just related) and bigotry

  25. They got so gosh darned comfortable in the Repub position that they can’t wake themselves up to face facts when they are hit between the eyes with them. And if they changed? Oh, what would their friends say? Inasmuch as they are all Trumpites themselves. Why if she went rogue, she would be all alone. But, sister, you would be a helluva lot safer.

  26. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Seems they’re paying more attention to the tactics of Lenin and Stalin. Lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, whatever — the “noble” end is more important.

  27. Back in the middle of the Iraq War, a neighbor forwarded every email ever designed with a waving flag gif and row of cartoon troops marching in unison. Few of the emails had anything to do with the war. Most contained false statements and broken links included to “prove” someone else thought these things were true. No one ever clicked the links to see they didn’t work. Except me.

    I started replying to my neighbor with Snopes debunking, and pointing out each broken link. She never spoke to me again.

  28. I am so sick of “he’s not a polished politician” or some variant of this — OK then he should drop out because he is applying for the job of President of the United States not some local grocery store. He (T-rump) charged thousands of dollars several years ago to appear at business luncheons where he would share his wisdom with the masses. Of course there would be others like Powell, Rice, lots of GOP “nobility” now without real jobs. Companies would be encouraged to “buy a table” not just individual reservations to listen to experts solve all your problems (a tax write-off as a business expense/education). The time for using that excuse is long past.

  29. Rosemary in Indiana says:

    JJ, I admire you. You’re a better woman than I. People like your acquaintance who write stuff like that are gone from my friend list forever. I find they’re too frustrating to put up with.

  30. Y’all are reminding me why I’ve “friended” only about ten people on Facebook and hardly ever use it.

    My late mother said she went to her church’s weekly women’s brunch on the day after the 2008 election and most of the women were saying how terrible it was and how America was going into a ditch. “What did you say?” “I didn’t say anything. I drank my coffee and ate a bun.” I dared her to wear the next week the “Old White Women for Obama” button I’d given her. She said she did and nobody said anything to her.

  31. charles r. phillips says:

    In hindsight, I, as a progressive Democrat, enabled this behavior on my friends part. I didn’t jump down his neck the first time he commented about “the ni@@er in the White House,” or the time he advocated deporting all gays to a tiny island, or said all Muslims were jihadists.

    No, not the first time, nor the second, third, twelfth, ever. I doubt I’d a changed his mind, but he might have not been so proud of his bigotry.

  32. slipstream says:

    Facebook is the internet optimized for junior high school.

    I left junior high school many years ago and have no desire to go back.

  33. Cheryl Ann says:

    This election has forced me to delete quite a few people on Facebook. Mostly because if they support Trump I consider them too stupid to be my friend.

    I understand being a conservative, I actually think government runs best if there is right and left and you comprise to come up with a solution. Now, we have slightly left and so far right that it can’t be seen without special glasses. And of course Republicans have completed given up on compromise.

    I have a good friend on Facebook who is a conservative. During the Dem convention I posted “I’m with her”. She commented that she was going stag this year. I hope there are many more of her.

  34. JJ, I fully understand. I left Facebook a couple of years ago when a former student that I truly loved posted some ridiculous comments about President Obama. When I called him on it, he accused me of attempting to stifle his free speech, although I did nothing of the sort – just asked for facts prove his allegations. They never offer any. I was so disappointed in his behavior, I left Facebook and never looked back. I prefer to remember my former students as they were in times past.

  35. treehugger says:

    You just can’t save people from themselves. As my dear husband is fond of saying, “You can’t reason people out of opinions they don’t get to by reason in the first place.”

    This campaign certainly has brought out the ugly in a lot of people, including people I thought were thoughtful and reasonable. It’s depressing.

  36. Linda Phipps says:

    JJ, in #10 … I regret that I was pretty hard on your “sweet” friend, very cold of me. As for Facebook presence, I have a niece, bright, funny, but the changes her profile picture every day, and the Prince died she reposted every single stinkin thing about him. If I never hear “Purple Rain” ever again, it will be too soon. Another friend, a former colleague, again, really bright, educated, devout, a veteran of some pretty awesome setbacks, including a child out of wedlock when she was in her late 30s. She chose to go ahead knowing this lovely little child would be disabled although I know this lady will rear her as abled as possible, but daily she posts stuff that , ummmm. BUT I didn’t “unfriend” them. I DID, however “unfollow” which they don’t know about, I guess, and I still get notifications on what they are thinking. They are not out of my life.

  37. e platypus onion says: is an Eyetalian printing company and also a right wing site that posts false articles and pro-Drumpf BS.

  38. Have just been pondering Facebook, myself. I like it for lots of reasons (baby pictures, George Takei, Connie Shultz, etc.). But I’ve had to “unfollow” (not unfriend) quite a few people, including some close relatives, when they went a step too far with their ignorant bigoted hateful posts. And in person, these are really nice people. At least, they are nice to me!

    My neighborhood has a FB page which I joined during the Memorial Day floods (I live very near Juanita Jean). The info was very useful then. I’m about to delete it today after some idiots upset about their Trump yard sign getting stolen, and many of the commenters, were advocating electrocution or shooting for the culprits. Because Jesus would totally advocate killing someone for sign theft, you know. Scary that they live in my neighborhood.

  39. joel hanes says:

    She is a sweet woman

    With respect: no. She is not.

  40. Slipstream: Full disclosure. I’m using that. Treehugger: That too.

  41. One more comment about Facebook: somebody I know posted a polite, fact-filled rebuttal to some raging wingnut bs comment that a person had posted on her FB. She cited Politifact and Snopes in debunking what the person wrote. Sadly, but not surprisingly, the wingnut posted that Politifact and Snopes are both liberal sites and in the tank for Hillary.

    I guess that’s true in the sense that “the truth has a well-known liberal bias!”

  42. Yes, the internet vitriol is boiling over, but it was as disgusting when Prez Obama was running, both times. For some reason, rwnj’s believe it is their private playground in which they can spew all the hate they hear and feel. They actually think everyone else agrees with them and are shocked when someone dares to disagree. Family members and friends are sucked into this cult and when they attack, must be shown how unacceptable their behavior is. Unfriending on facebook and telling people not to stuff your inbox with hate and lies is a necessary step. Standing up for truth is important.

  43. My 82 year old friend (20 more than me) plans to vote for the orange- atan. We basically rarely talk about politics. I feel that, due to her age and history of Always voting for snacilbupeR, I’ll leave her alone. Besides, she doesn’t send me political crap at all.

    I started with FB, but when I realized how intrusive it is in my life, linking to everything, I decided I don’t need that. I suppose my page is still sitting there, untouched for the past 5 years. It’s irrelevant.

    I have something like a dozen bumper stickers on my car. They’re fun. Some are smartassery: “Inside Every Old Person is a Young Person Wondering What the Hell Happened,” and several Hillary stickers. I love tweaking the nut jobs. My building has a small klan (not official) who believe every single word of any Obama or Hillary BS and they have Proof! That proof consists of websites linking to for-real-honest-to-God-documents that prove Obama really is the leader of Muslim terrorists. In triplicate. It’s so bizarre.

  44. e platypus onion says:

    Some wingnut outfit claims HRC was caught paying off FBI director Comey. The lies and false info never cease. And Slipstream has a serious case for birch trees.

  45. Sarah Routh says:

    I no longer have any old high school “friends” and I will not be attending my 50th reunion next year. Makes me sad.

  46. Juanita, you are far more charitable than I would be.

    You would think with all the trumpian glitz and glitter that some of these folks would take more than a passing glance in the mirror. Instead, these are the folks who rise up in high dudgeon if someone characterizes their indecency as deplorable.

  47. charles r. phillips says:

    Stay on Facebook. Keep posting Trump exposes. Don’t give an inch of digital real estate. The war is long, the battle is on, and we will win if we keep pushing.

    Fu&k ’em, they are toast.

  48. Marcia in CO says:

    I have had to unfollow a lot of folks on Facebook, as well.

  49. Marcia in CO says:

    New laptop computer, trying to get use to a new keyboard …
    sorry if this is a repeat entry.

    I have had to unfollow a lot of folks on Facebook, as well.

  50. Once again (sigh) I refer to the book “The True Believer” by Eric Hoffer. Dammit!
