Louie! It’s Money! It’ll Spend.

October 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This summer the Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC sent a very sweet and generous check to Louie Gohmert. Five grand ain’t nothing to sniff at.



Nice, right?

Louie didn’t think so.

He didn’t ever cash the check.

It ain’t like he doesn’t need it.  In 2010, of the 435 members of the house, Louie ranks 435th in terms of wealth.  That year he showed that he had debt of between $100,000 and $200,000.  It has not improved since then.

Maybe he lost the check or something.  Let’s be honest, he doesn’t appear to be very good wth money.

So the Tea Party Leadership PAC gave Louie’s money to a non-profit.




Wave bye-bye to your money once again, Louie.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie! It’s Money! It’ll Spend.”

  1. Pancho Sanza says:

    Too stupid to cash a $5K check = too stupid to be in congress.
    Louie Gohmert: plumbing the depths of stupidity since 1953.

  2. ‘too lazy to work and too dumb to steal’
    Louie should be the perfect congressvarmit, yet he isnt. he’s total abject failure. He’s like any level football team beaten 59-3, the team failed as a whole. no offense no defense limited special teams effect. forget about the game, work on literally everything and do better the next time.

  3. Lunargent says:

    Jeeze – he can’t even do corruption right. And I can’t believe that the poorest member of the House is a Republican. I suddenly have a teeny, tiny little morsel of affection for him.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    JJ!!!!!! Don’t encourage the idiot!

    Did ya see how they sent Louie 5K but the charity got 5,047 and change? I guess the charity got the interest that accrued as well. Good for them.

    Y’all do know that congresspeoples have their hands on the national purse, right? Louie being one of them should scare the life out of you. Does to me.

  5. Sahepme! I bet Louie never heard that a check is valid for only so long. After the deaden date, it is null!

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    Susan: FYI: I first read this post at 11:10 EST this am. Now at 11:57 I can’t get the photos. I’ve reloaded the page several times… no luck.

  7. Lunargent says:

    In fact, Louie is no longer my perennial Dumbest Thing on Two Legs, thanks to the amazing showing last month by this guy:


    Watch the clip, to get the full effect of the Stupid and Offensive. I made my 1st campaign contribution ever, to his opponent. Never mind that I’m in Colorado.

    Move over, Louie. It’s getting crowded at the bottom.

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    What charity? Rehab for homeless guns?

  9. Another one that slipped into the low end of the gene pool while the life guard wasn’t looking. Typical GOP pol.

  10. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Check now, Kiddo. I think I fixed it.

  11. I read an article recently about a newly discovered fossil of a dinosaur that had a skull dome of solid bone. Couldn’t help thinking of Louie.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    Pics are back! Thanks.

  13. JAKvirginia says:

    Don’t know which is worse — money to Louie or money to that “foundation”. I hit their site… hoo boy. “Free speech. It’s that simple.” Yeah, if you think “free speech” is about buying politicians. And, of course, everyone listed on the site is a “conservative”.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    I’d vote for the choice of Louie losing the check.

  15. joe's still confused says:

    Before ya get all excited about the funds being redirected to a “charity”, ya might want to do the “google thang” for the Coolidge Reagan Foundation. It only took me about 23 clicks to get to an Amicus Brief (my momma would be so proud of me for using legal words) filed by the Coolidge Reagan Foundation in opposition to Arizona’s Independent Redistricting Commission and their work on redistricting, contending rather that the sole responsibility for redistricting should be left in the “very red” hands of the legislature. It’s easy to find at
    I meandered through it until I found that basically the brief wanted only the Legislature (and not the legislatively authorized Independent Redistricting Commission) to be able to work on redistricting.
    That don’t sound like a “charity” or “non-profit” to me, according to my definitions.
    I’m just saying

  16. “maggie says:
    October 5, 2016 at 9:57 am


  17. Marcia in CO says:

    @Debbo … “Sahepme” = so help me! LOL
