Break News! Holy Crap! I’ll Be Damned! Yeehaw!

October 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Now if we could just get Mike Pence to do the same.

Bless Bill Weld’s heart, he realized that he’s on a ticket with a goofy guy who smokes too much weed.

I do, however, admire Weld’s courage.

Weld, a former Republican governor of Massachusetts, said he is focusing on Trump because, while he disagrees with Hillary Clinton on fiscal and military issues, Trump’s agenda is so objectionable it’s “in a class by itself.”

“I think Mr. Trump’s proposals in the foreign policy area, including nuclear proliferation, tariffs, and free trade, would be so hurtful, domestically and in the world, that he has my full attention,” Weld said.

It’s a good day in the neighborhood.


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0 Comments to “Break News! Holy Crap! I’ll Be Damned! Yeehaw!”

  1. That ticket should have been Weld/Johnson instead of the other way around!

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Now… if we could get Johnson to do the same. But I think he’s floating in his own little ME cloud like Trump. And Jill? Girl get a seriuos grip will you? 2% ain’t gonna get you nothin’ but low-fat milk! M’kay?

  3. Weld was a Republican back in the days that moderate was an acceptable modifier. Not a bad Gov. either

  4. I always liked this guy, this only re=enfoces my belief. I like a guy who puts Country first!

  5. Lunargent says:

    Talk about your split ticket!

    I wonder if Gary will notice. His Aleppo Moments seem to be pretty frequent.

  6. Mr Johnson clearly violated his promise to abstain from recreational substances during the campaign. If only Hair Drumpf would abstain from his recreational substances during the campaign. Or not. I really don’t give a $hit what Drumpf does.

  7. Micr, if someone could encourage Trump to do some shrooms before the debate, that would liven things up.

  8. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    If Pence valued his family, he’d take a hike. The not skinny enough Mrs. Pence must be on Thorazine before being permitted in the presence of He Who Shall Not Be Named aka Rosemary’s baby with a comb over. 10, 9, 8 countdown to her performing squats for the press at a gym before the Inaugural Ball.

  9. Rhea — Shrooms you say, My money is on Coke cut with Magnesium Pemoline.

    And lots of boner pills.

    The sniffing, the fast talking, the changing subject, in the middle of a sentience. All point to Coke &Pemoline. ———–Or so I’ve been told.

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    Keep our eyes aon Weld … a good man is hard to come by.

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    Keep our eyes on Weld … a decent “republican” man is hard to come by.

  12. My, my all the old hippies have come here to roost. I do believe he does a line or two before any of his appearances. I’m sure he feels he is way to in control and that that little boost is always a ‘good thing.’

  13. Anne Sutton says:

    Weld proves that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts knows a good Republican when we see one.

    Okay, so we also elected Romney but WE ELECTED WELD is the whole point and just ignore Mr. Magic Panties.

  14. Say that reminds me. Repugnantcans are always bumpin’ their gums about making welfare recipients drug test to get all that free money. Donnie’s taking money from contributors and lining his pockets. So I say somebody needs to hand him a cup and tell him to filler up. With a medical professional watching of course, just like us “little” folks.

  15. Every time a Republican stops putting party before country, it makes me really happy too. Sometimes it’s easy to believe none of them do.

  16. JaneE, I think you are absolutely right about that. It explains so much.

  17. This is very good news and new to me. Who knew TWMDBS is also THE place to go for breaking news?! Thank you to the entire news team!

    Insight Radio on Sirius, John Fugelsang, had an interview with Weld today but it must have been pre-recorded. He sounded much sharper than Johnson. Evidently that’s correct since he’s decided to dump J.

    Can Johnson be on ballots or is his candidacy valid without a running mate?


    “Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read.”

  19. That Other Jean says:

    Good for Bill Weld! It’s incredibly refreshing (and incredibly rare) to see a politician put the country before his/her political agenda/party. May his tribe increase.

  20. Oh and I forgot…

    “But Drumpf is not a man of ideas. He is a demagogue, a xenophobe, a sexist, a know-nothing, and a liar. He is spectacularly unfit for office, …”

    The Atlantic. The f’ing Atlantic people. Third endorsement they have made in 150+ years of existence.

  21. Oh, THAT Bill Weld! He is a decent man, a man of principle–an old school Republican from back when honor meant something in the Republican Party and the wackos had not yet taken over.

    Back then we could disagree on policy and all agree on a goal of greater good.

    Live long and prosper, Bill Weld.

  22. That Other Jean says:

    Aw, nuts! Responsible politicians are scarcer than hen’s teeth, and apparently Bill Weld isn’t actually one. I take back all the nice stuff I said.

  23. l'angelomisterioso says:

    JJ- There’s such a thing as too much weed?Coulda fooled me on that one. Personally, I’d believe it’s something much stronger than plain old weed. Like maybe peyote or magic mushrooms or maybe he was chasing the dragon.

  24. WA Skeptic says:

    Did anyone else notice that during the Veep Debate Pence had advocated going to open war with Russia in Syria???

    WTeverluvin’F???? (Sorry Mama)
