Maybe I Spoke Too Soon

March 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know I told you that Molly White, the Muslim-hating State Rep in Texas, was defeated in the primary.

I may have been wrong.  Yesterday, Molly asked for a recount.

White, who lost by 118 votes out of the 19,060 cast in the Bell County district to former state Rep. Hugh Shine, must deposit $2,900 toward the recount and will ultimately be billed for its costs by the state Republican Party, according to county election officials.

So, I can’t tell you who to root for.  A Republican who embarrasses us but is totally ineffective or a Republican who doesn’t embarrass us but might be effective.

I’m pulling for Molly.  Texas has a high embarrassment threshold.


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