A Lesser Known Bush

March 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Neil Bush is a Bush Baby who never ran for President.  He used his father’s and brother’s connections to make more money than landing on Boardwalk with five hotels.

UnknownI guess he is the smart one, right?  No, not really.  He’s the sleazy one.  He made millions by being a “consultant” to businesses where he knew nothing about the business or the product.

Anyway, in 2003, Neil was in a messy divorce with the mother of his three children.  Depositions in that case caused Neil to admit, or maybe brag, about sexual encounters in Thailand and Hong Kong.

The Bush divorce, completed in April after 23 years of marriage, was prompted in part by Bush’s relationship with another woman. He admitted in the deposition that he previously had sex with several other women while on trips to Thailand and Hong Kong at least five years ago.

The women, he said, simply knocked on the door of his hotel room, entered and had sex with him. He said he did not know if they were prostitutes because they never asked for money and he did not pay them.

“Mr. Bush, you have to admit it’s a pretty remarkable thing for a man just to go to a hotel room door and open it and have a woman standing there and have sex with her,” Brown said.

“It was very unusual,” Bush said.

Apparently, not if you’re a Bush.

Before the ink was dry on the divorce, he got married again very quickly.  The new wife claimed that her two year old son was Bush’s baby which really hacked-off her husband who sued her.

I guess what Neil is best at is giving depositions.

Next, he got all into Rev. Sun Ayung Moon, after Moon bought the rightwing Washington Times and started handing out speakers fees like condoms at Planned Parenthood.

Anyway, in news that almost slipped past you but was probably very predictable, he has joined the finance committee of none other than … Ted Cruz.

“We are seeing incredible momentum around our campaign,” Cruz said in a statement. “I am thrilled to welcome these new members to our outstanding team. This race is winnowing down between two candidates and this is further testament that conservatives are continuing to unite behind this campaign.”

I wonder if there’s hookers involved?


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0 Comments to “A Lesser Known Bush”

  1. “I wonder if there’s hookers involved?”

    In the words of the great George Carlin, “You don’t have to be Fellini to figure that out.”

  2. Heard he actually left paper trail evidence loitering about wherever he went. The one Bush who was really asking for it!

  3. icky person…….who paid the hookers? God knows, they do not have an easy time.

  4. I wonder if there’s hookers involved?

    Check the campaign finance reports for Cruz and wonder no more.

  5. I kinda feel sorry for the Cruz campaign. This guy is most likely to make $$ disappear into thin air and land in his Caymen account. Remember the mess with the savings and loan some years ago? He has only one talent and its for graft. There is one other Bush brother, Marvin, who exists quietly handling $$ foursome other reasons. He seems to have done very well by himself and for his clients, but considering his client list, I wouldn’t want him handling my piggy bank!

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Let us not forget Sloberado Savings and Loan which cost us about a billion bucks while N Bush was a director and Pappy was in the Witch hu…….white house.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    That “momentum” thingy is the excuse dumbass dubya used to explain why bin’Ladin’s family paid Bush a whole bunch of money for an oil company that wasn’t worth much.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    He opened the hotel room door and… What did she say: Coffee, tea, or me? Wow. Now THAT is room service! Wonder if it was a Trump hotel. What a sleazeball.

  9. Continuing to be the Party of Family Values…

  10. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    One of my friends (who is a Libertopian) refers to the requirement that borrowers with less than 20% equity have Private Mortgage Industry Insurance as the Neil Bush Silverado tax.

  11. eyesoars says:

    ‘wonder if there are hookers involved?’

    1) It’s Ted Cruz. Sleazy is as sleazy does.
    2) There are true believer fundamentalists involved. ‘nuf said.
    3) It’s politics. Of *course* there are hookers involved.

    The only questions are how many hookers, what kinds and genders, and who’s paying? (besides us).

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Better toss in age of hookers,as SE Asia is a known destination of child sex trafficking. And many wealthy ‘murricans are aware of that fact.

  13. Maggie O says:

    “Neil Bush is a Bush Baby who never ran for President. ”


  14. Can’t wait for this one to run for President a nd the ‘KNOCK,KNOCK’ JOKES!!!

  15. One hand washes the other?? Heard on NPR yesterday: “Ted Cruz was part of the Bush legal team during the 2000 election. The team ultimately helped to end the Florida recount and secured the election for George W. Bush.”


  16. Maggie O says:
    “Neil Bush is a Bush Baby who never ran for President. ”

    I’m with you Maggie O. Baby Bush helps Cruz get elected Prez, is asked to be VP. Sets up Cruz a year into his first term with Thai hookers (old friends), Cruz impeached – – resulting in President Neil Bush.

    You have to admit, it’s a better plan than JEB! had.

  17. @Rick

    Won’t work. Cruz wouldn’t resign just because he ****** a hooker. Bushes are made of sterner stuff. Hell 43 indirectly killed thousands without batting an eyelash.

  18. Robin Frazier says:

    You forgot the Herpes! He got Herpes from one of the hookers and gave it to his ex. He is not only slimy he is diseased too. LOL

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Nothing indirectly about it,Micr. The opening salvo was fired at Saddam Hussein’s farm where his family was staying. The first J-Dam missed the target and killed several civilians. I believe the second hit the target and killed a child. That was before the illegal invasion even began.

  20. As Forest Gump (Would be the smartest if he was a Bush) says, “Sleezy is as sleezy does.”

    I feel like I need a very hot shower with a coarse sandpaper scrub as soon as I get home. Nah, but I will prescribe that for all the Bushes and each of their sleeze ball friends, associates, etc.

  21. Litlhorn says:

    Hotel….Brothel…. same difference to a Bush.

  22. I had to give up my holidays right after the election to go close down Silverado Savings & Loan. It was propped up by the govt until after the November elections so as not to embarrass the Bushes. What a racket.

    Thought we had heard the last of Neil. Guess there truly isn’t any shame left in the world.


  23. The only way that happens is the person with whom he was meeting with in Hong Kong – sent the (teenage) girls. It was a bribe. A way to get the failed Bush to agree to whatever they wanted.

    I wonder if Drinkey McStupid, who has already come out publicly and said he doesn’t like Cruz, feels about this? Hell, what does Jeb think? There are going to be some very quiet moments at the next family gathering of evil…..
