Down, Dooby-Do, Down, Down

March 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you think the Texas Legislature cannot possibly get any worse, it does.

Y’all probably remember me talking about Republican State Representative Molly White. the woman who wouldn’t allow Muslims in her state office and then doubled down on it.

Screen Shot 2016-03-07 at 10.01.24 AMWell, Molly got beat in the primary in this heavily Republican district.  I’d like to say that’s good news but it ain’t.  The guy who beat her is worse.  He’s an old white male who hates your uterus.   His name is Hugh Shine (seriously) and he was in the legislature back in the early 90s.  He was a rightwing nut back then and the only thing that’s changed is that he’s now an older and meaner rightwing nut.

And who can forget Debbie Riddle, the meanest woman on earth?  I wrote about her so many times that you’d think her middle name was Louie Gohmert.  She invented terror babies, all manner of restrictions on women’s health, and slept in the hall overnight to be the first to file an anti-immigrant bill.

Poor Ole Debbie got beat.

I’d like to say that’s good news.  It ain’t.  Debbie got beat because her opponent contended that Debbie was caught actually speaking to Democrats.  Okay, so I made that part up.  But not by much.

Debbie got beat by a woman named Valoree Swanson.  Go take a look.  Holy cow, that woman is literally exploding with self-righteousness.

So, yeah, we dropped lower than a snake’s belly in wagon rut.

This legislative session ain’t gonna be pretty.


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0 Comments to “Down, Dooby-Do, Down, Down”

  1. Rosemary in Indiana says:

    My stomach really hurts now.

  2. Sam in San Antonio says:

    The endorsement for Valoree by Steven Hotze tells me all I need to know she is unqualified

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Orbital st00pid. That’s where continuous moves to the right eventually culminate. The TX Lege has arrived.

    There’s only one way to combat that level of st00pid. Written instructions for breathing posted throughout the Lege should thin that herd.

  4. Aggieland Liz says:

    When they are done eating each other there won’t be any more of them left (see also, 2016 Repub presidential campaign)!

  5. I’m with Sam in San Antonio RE: Steven Hotze, MD. How right leaning do you have to be to seek membership in a organization that calls itself “Conservative Republicans of Texas”? Oh my soul!

  6. I tried to look at Valoree’s website but it was blocked by my corporate firewall. Make of that what you will…

  7. Which goes to show that women hating bigoted aholes in texas out number the more enlightened liberals. But then it is much easier to be a hate filled bigoted ahole because it requires no thinking, no reasoning, no empathy, just hate!!!

  8. I wouldn’t be so harsh to poor Valoree. Her mental state might be a direct result of her deficient sex life. She says (see 2nd Amendment section on her website): “My husband and I think a hot date is to go to Spring Guns and Ammo to practice shooting.” IMO, regular shooting practice instead of intimacy could turn anybody into Republican.

  9. Hugh Shine???? Boy, did that make me giggle which was a balm from Gilead when I read about She Who Was Flag Wrapped!

  10. I think y’all are being just a little harsh on Valoree. While it does appear that 99% of her platform is either mean or stupid or both, there is the one item that might have some merit: “less paperwork for teachers.” Unlike our snacilbupeR brethren, I am perfectly happy to grab any idea from them that has merit, and this one could have legs.

  11. Austinhatlady says:

    Notice she managed to include two brown arms in the photo under Volunteers. And all the arms appear to be younger, altho i can’t tell you why I think they are “younger” rather than middle-aged or senior. When you click, there is a group showing age diversity but everyone is white.

  12. That Other Jean says:

    Texas has my deepest sympathy.

  13. UmptyDump says:

    On her website, Valoree says, “I will always vote to protect life from conception to natural death, and to utterly and completely defund abortionists.”

    Which of course is why she supports capital punishment.

  14. Valoree? Yer’ kidding me. Were her parents also home-schooled?

  15. Why did you make me look at that. Yikes. I cannot believe we are all counting on Kennedy because without SCOTUS action this state is only going to get more anti-woman.

  16. I don’t think Valor—–ee is my kind of gal.

  17. Tilphousia says:

    These right wing nut jobs are a disease. They need to be exported to a small island with all the other right wing nut jobs.

  18. maryelle says:

    A lifetime of good ole boy brainwashing is just impossible to eradicate, as evidenced by these prime examples.
    My question is, how did so many of J.J.’s clients escape this mindset?

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, Valoree…

    From your site — Taxes:
    “…NOT raise the overall tax burden nor implement an income tax.”

    From your site — Education:
    “2) Funding solutions”

    Val, hon, can you balance a checkbook? Bless your heart.

  20. Val-or-eeeuwww!

  21. Scary. If these are your successful politicians, what on earth are your voters like?

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    Becoming a politician, particularly in red states is what you do when there are too many evangelical politicians already fulminating from the pulpit in your district.

  23. treehugger says:

    I clicked on the link to Val-o-ree and hoo boy, she is certainly a piece o’ wacko work. I was interested to read this line:
    “Among other protections, the First Amendment is about protecting the church from the state, not the state from the church. I will stand up for religious liberty.” So how much standing up do you think she’ll do for Catholics, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.?

  24. Aggieland Liz says:

    Heretics don’t count, treehugger!
