Louie Gohmert Has This All Figured Out

April 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s on to us, y’all.

Louie Gohmert took it to Fox News to spread his secret undercover highly technical 100% certified truth and justice report to the entire Fox News viewing audience.

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, said on “The Todd Starnes Show” that Dems’ obsession with the Mueller report exists for good reason: to cover up their own misdeeds.

Said the lawmaker, “As long as the Democrats in their minds … can drag this thing out, and keep throwing rocks at Trump, then the better chance that no Democrats will be going to prison.”

Fox News offers no explanation other than that.  Just that Louie apparently knows about Democrats who need to go to jail. No, seriously, that’s all they’ve got. Except for the news that the Mueller report does not differ much from the Barr summary.

Y’all, they drink too much at Fox News.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie Gohmert Has This All Figured Out”

  1. Charles R Phillips says:

    Loonie Louie needs to be measured for an orange jumpsuit, preferably one with sleeves that tie in the back. He spends way too much time slandering decent people and laundering his campaign money through a BBQ restuarant to be strictly legal himself.

  2. “The Cycle of Dysfunction”
    Fox ‘Hate’ News poisoned poor Louie’s brain with hatred of the Dems and ‘the Others’, so he is just giving passing forward the Hate.
    Follow the Hate.

  3. Gary Halter says:

    Can you believe that Louie has a law degree from Baylor and served as a district and appellate Judge. I cannot believe that he is that stupid. Is this congress stupidity just an act?

  4. easttxdem says:

    If they’re drinking’ at Fox News, it’s got to be the political version of Jim Jones juice….TrumpAde? Liars’ Lemonade? And, I wonder – what color is the sky where these bozos live?

  5. Louie sez, “and keep throwing rocks at Trump…”
    Good job! Pandering to the Evangelical base right before Easter! And going all Old Testament on a New Testament occasion too. Louie’s Special, the combo plate.

    Let he who is without brains cast the first asparagus.

  6. van heldorf says:

    Gary Halter Louie’s district in e. tx. is mostly baptist rednecks and he does what it takes to get re-elected; ie, don’t assume he’s stupid in native IQ but made a conscious decision to follow the dark side as that is what it takes to get re-elected there but not in a senatorial race.

  7. You just keep right on thinking, Louis. That’s what you do best. And stay away from machinery any more complicated than a shovel.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Does looking at a pic of Loonie Louie remind anybody else of that Limu Emu critter in the insurance commercial?
    And they both have about the same size brain.

  9. DonA in Pennsyltucky says:

    This is the new refrain to the “No Collusion Blues”. Got to prosecute those 18 (unnamed) Democrats who dictated the “bullshit” Mueller report. It’s going to be repeated over and over for the next 19 months. It will be the theme song.

  10. What really irks me is when “responsible” journalists don’t follow up: “What crimes, exactly?” And to “I don’t like Trump as a person but look at all the good he’s done” “What has he done, exactly?”

    Same for social media- when trolls troll, ask them for specifics.
