Look who’s leaving….

May 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by Primo Encarnación

Nancy Gordeuk, erstwhile founder and principal of TNT Academy, a Georgia for-profit school, has been let go.  You may remember her from Juanita’s post this Monday last, wherein she blamed the devil for all that racist spew dribbling down her chinless face.  After that sounded too much like an admission of guilt, she then attempted to claim she hadn’t said anything racist at all: “I didn’t know ‘black people’ was a racist term. I didn’t say the N-word or anything like that ’cause that isn’t in my vocabulary.”

Because shaming a whole segment of the population for behavior which occurs at every graduation I’ve ever been to is NOT racist, as long as none of the individual words themselves is a racist term?

Well, her board of directors disagreed, and bounced her pasty, flabby, white trash patootie out onto the street.  I’m guessing that the only thing that took them so long was deciding whether to throw her out the front door, or from a second-story window.

I’m further guessing that her next stop is FAUX News with Hannity, followed by a round of wingnut welfare via a GoFundMe extravaganza.   Anyone want to give me odds?

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