Look who’s leaving….

May 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by Primo Encarnación

Nancy Gordeuk, erstwhile founder and principal of TNT Academy, a Georgia for-profit school, has been let go.  You may remember her from Juanita’s post this Monday last, wherein she blamed the devil for all that racist spew dribbling down her chinless face.  After that sounded too much like an admission of guilt, she then attempted to claim she hadn’t said anything racist at all: “I didn’t know ‘black people’ was a racist term. I didn’t say the N-word or anything like that ’cause that isn’t in my vocabulary.”

Because shaming a whole segment of the population for behavior which occurs at every graduation I’ve ever been to is NOT racist, as long as none of the individual words themselves is a racist term?

Well, her board of directors disagreed, and bounced her pasty, flabby, white trash patootie out onto the street.  I’m guessing that the only thing that took them so long was deciding whether to throw her out the front door, or from a second-story window.

I’m further guessing that her next stop is FAUX News with Hannity, followed by a round of wingnut welfare via a GoFundMe extravaganza.   Anyone want to give me odds?

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0 Comments to “Look who’s leaving….”

  1. odds? 1:1

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Good job,Tio. Very considerate board to discuss whether tossing an object of her caliber out of a second story window might cause irreparable damage to the building,the lawn,the property tax base,the surrounding civilian population and untold nightcrawlers and small crustaceans.

  3. She may have not used the N word but her son sure did on facebook. I think they did the right thing. Bertha butt don’t let the door hit you going out the door. Bam

  4. Why does she remind me of the flap caused by Paula Dean with her I am not a racist boo-hoo? According to her hired help, she was just one Lady Pepperel sheet away from full-on female Nathan Bedford Forrest. She could never understand that how she treated the help when no one was looking was a big deal.

  5. Too bad they’ll turn the comments off unless you contribute, I’d really Like to tell her that, “Nancy Gordeuk is a Rude Racist Douchebag” but I won’t give her money for that pleasure…

  6. UmptyDump says:

    Especially sad, because at the root of it all is probably a caring educator whose racist core beliefs are so deeply seated that she can’t see them for what they are and is in denial that they exist. She holds to a less-than-equal stereotype of African American behavior. I wish I could give you odds, JJ, that she might mend her ways, but based on what we’ve seen so far, that looks like a bad bet.

  7. UmptyDump says:

    @maggie – You make a very apt comparison. I believe we’re thinking along the same lines.

  8. And another RWNJ martyr is made, ring the bell….

  9. Wa Skeptic says:

    “The Devil Made Me Do It” was a great Flip Wilson tagline, but it is simply an excuse for primitive stupidity in a so-called educator. Sadly, there are still too many of these people in scholastic circles today.

    What part of taking responsibility for your own thoughts and actions as an adult does this woman not know? And as another poster has stated, she has obviously not taught this concept to her son. No wonder it’s taking so long to battle racism and bigotry in this country.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Today’s disgrace. Tomorrow’s victim. And then sainthood anointed by Monsignor Rupert Murdoch’s motley crew. I’m certain they’ll declare her life was predestined.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    TNT Academy, where we prepare your sons and daughters to be full blown ballistic racists.

    Let’s make our public schools viable. Not another dime to vouchers, privatized money traps or subsidizing the theocratic halls of hell.

  12. David Peden says:

    It isn’t widely reported, but I have seen stories claiming that this person actually forgot to add the valedictorian speech in the program, leading many to believe the event was over. Talk about a cluster…k!

  13. RepubAnon says:

    She committed the ultimate crime in Republican eyes: she clearly demonstrated what Republicans think in a way that everyone could identify. Call it the Dubya syndrome – folks displaying this are thrown under the bus to show others the error of exposing Republicans lies to the general public.

  14. maryelle says:

    This woman needs to be educated in the School of Hard Knocks.
    My sympathies to the African American students who had to endure her ignorance.

  15. So I agree that this woman’s beliefs run against everything we stand for but stooping to name calling and condemning her for her appearance lowers you to her level. Keep it classy, folks.

  16. if you read her school’s mission statement, it’s actually a pretty good idea. how well it’s been carried out I have no idea, but with her at the helm, one has to wonder. I might have almost been willing to accept the possibility that this incident wasn’t an accurate manifestation of her character, were it not for her son’s racist rant. I’m guessing he didn’t learn that on a street corner or facebook.
