The Devil is a Racist

May 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Over in Georgia, a high school principal screwed up the graduation program by leaving off the valedictorian’s speech.  When people began to leave, thinking the program as over, the principal took to the stage and ordered people back in their seats.

When they didn’t readily return, she made a fool of herself.  She hollered, “Look who’s leaving … all the black people.”


Graduation was pretty much over after that.

She stood by her guns that night but the next day, she decided to apologize.

In a fleeting moment of frustration, “the devil” — and not deep-seated racial prejudice — prompted a Georgia high school principal to make racial remarks at a graduation ceremony on Friday.

Yep, she really did.  The devil made her do it.

By email she told the parents, “The devil was in my house and came out of my mouth.”

Hell, even the devil didn’t believe that.

Thanks to chloe bear for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Devil is a Racist”

  1. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Maybe the Devil can get her next job working for his organization The American Family Association.

  2. Annabelle Lee says:

    The devil made her say what she really thinks. For shame, devil. For SHAME.

  3. Way to avoid responsibility. I’m just surprised she didn’t go the sorry-if-anyone-was-offended non-apology route.

    Note that if the Devil was in her that night then he clearly still is. Why would he vacate such a friendly environment?

  4. Jack Patterson says:

    The Devil must have infected her whole family–Have you seen the story about her son’s facebook rant?

  5. Depending in what part of Georgia this happened, there may have been confusion on all sides. The black folks thinking, “what does she mean the devil made her do it?” While the white folks with sheets hung in their closets thought, “what does she mean? The devil don’t make you say that.”

  6. “The devil made me say that” is shorthand for “The thoughts in my head came flying out my mouth and it turned out to be a bad idea.”

  7. daChipster says:

    I watched one of the tapes of this and her voice was like nails on a blackboard, even before the devil got to her.

    TNT Academy was not the site of the graduation; that was not their assembly hall or chapel, as I at first thought. They borrow a church for graduation. So, the devil was in the house, she claims, and came out her mouth. The only devils there, Gordeuk, were the ones you brought in, or the ones you raised, like your son’s first post:

    “What was rude wad somone standing up during the ceremony and walking around with a tablet with somthing wrote on it that was rude now regaurdless my moma not racist one bit she’s done nothing but help kids so yall need to get stories straight,” he wrote.

    This, my friends, is the son of the founder of TNT Academy. No wonder that, according to their own website, they have not yet been accredited as a high school. So here are a couple of thoughts:

    1) For profit education – yeah, that’s the ticket.

    2) In science they use books from Apologia Educational Ministries, who claim proudly “Jr. and Sr. High science texts make comprehension easy, education solid, and God’s work in Creation clear.” And the devil’s, too!

    3) For literature: “1 book per semester = required reading” – Oh! the humanities!

    4) To the valedictorian: Congrats, you’re officially the most diligent brown-noser at Ms. Nancy’s Romper Room and HS Diploma Mill.

    5) For compostion class, do we just need a paper “with somthing wrote on it”?

    6) “reguardless” shouldn’t Lady TNT teach her son how to use spellcheck?

    7) “My moma not racist one bit” – wanna bet, son?

    What old Nancy has given us, then, is an object lesson in exactly WHY public education is so necessary and exactly WHY for-profit schools should be banned entirely. So she is an effective educator, of sorts, in a “there-but-for-the-Grace-of-FSM-go-I” type of way.

  8. I hope the devil takes her home soon.

  9. Braxton Braggart says:

    I remember having a conversation about some famous person who said something horribly racist — I don’t remember now who, or what was said — who later claimed it was alcohol that made him say those awful things. A friend observed that racism is like cheese balls — alcohol may help it to come flying out of your mouth, but only because it was inside there to begin with.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    I’ve seen her weaseling on TV. Methinks she doth protest too much…

  11. txscotty says:

    The fact that she is the founder of that school is even scarier! She is lucky anyone even attended her little ceremony for her ego. Racist?……no………just outright ignorance and stupidity.

  12. Ole Scout says:

    All the while, her son was condemning people of color on the facebook page, calling them, ” … ni^^^^s. ” and daring them ” … to get in his face … “.
    That is one freaking freaky family.

  13. daChipster says:

    Braxton – were you perhaps thinking of Mel Gibson and his anti-Semitic DUI rant?

  14. Or Michael Richards’ comedy club blow up? Famous/Rich and Racist are not exclusionary.

  15. Did she have a blue dress, a blue dress, a blue dress on? If not, how much fun could it have been.

  16. Wallyfl says:

    Maybe she was chanelling Flip Wilson with the “The Devil made Me Do It” schstick he was famous for.

    Flip’s Geraldine was a great character!

  17. e platypus onion says:

    She is the new scarlet harlot. Satan,get thee behind me. I like it that way,it goes in deeper.
