Look Out! They’re Backing Up!

December 20, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Holy Crap, Trump

Smartmatic, the voting machine company dragged into the fake controversy over non-existent massive voter fraud, got a belly fully of the disinformation about them spewing from Fox Noise, OAN, and Newsmax.  Last week, counsel for the company delivered a 20 page cease and desist letter, demanding full retractions on the lies the networks have been running in a continuous loop.  Clearly the disinformation is egregious enough that Smartmatic got Fox counsel’s attention.  Lou Dobbs got the message and aired a segment on Friday evening that debunked a bunch the bullshit he’s been repeating that was started by Rudy and his merry band of soon-to-be-disbarred lawless lawyers.  It’s unclear if Smartmatic will be happy with that step, but they have clearly took the wind out of Fox’s sails.  It will be entertaining to see how OAN and Newsmax handle the actual threat of serious legal liability.

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