You Got That Right, Buddy

December 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In this year of legal hodgepodge it’s beginning to look like the Trumpians are trying to outdo each other in the idiot category.

In an effort to enter the Bar Association’s Self-Own Hall of Fame, Lin Wood files Georgia election fraud complaint “under plenty of perjury.”



Click here to see it full size.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “You Got That Right, Buddy”

  1. The official legal jargon would be “multa sub iureiurando sanxissent.”

  2. The amount of industry is truly astonishing.
    You have to work really, REALLY hard to be this stupid.

  3. john in denver says:

    Well, if we needed to know L. Lin Wood was not just doing cut and paste legal work, this could be a sign.

    Saying it is undoubtedly “original” is not an unalloyed compliment.

  4. I’ve seen this mocked elsewhere as well. But i don’t get
    the joke. Isn’t this standard language? I take it to mean “if I’m lyin I’m dyin.”

  5. That’s one way to get around those pesky rules. This guy is crazy like a fox.

  6. FAKE SIGNATURE! Looks like Trump’s marker…..

  7. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Dyslexia seems to be endemic among sign-writing and letter-writing Republicans…writing “plenty” rather than “penalty.” Or so I thought until a bonk on the head damaged my own ability to type familiar words without error.

    “Plenty of perjury” made me laugh out loud, though. Someone didn’t proofread his text. If that was typed up by his secretary, it suggests a hostile relationship between secretary and boss.

  8. @Joel—It should be “I verify under penalty of perjury.” Here Lin Wood says “I verify under plenty of perjury.” Big difference.

  9. Lol that’s what you get when your too cheap and use your IPhone ‘voice command’ as your legal secretary and the proof reader you hired from Liberty U is always busy talking to the Angels and Satin in their head.

  10. it’s the deluxe version of autocorrect

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    He also filed a writ with the Supreme Court that had his name misspelled.

    Is this guy a real lawyer or a partner of Lionel Hutz (“I Can’t Believe It’s a Law Firm”) on The Simpsons?

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Only the best attorneys make the grade with Trumpf. What a trifecta- Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and Rudy G. And to think Trumpf actually floated the idea of Sidney being a special counsel to investigate voter fraud, speaking of a fraud. Same meeting Flynn flam man proposed using the military to force new elections in the 6 swing states Trumpf lost. This was even too crazy for others in the meeting, like Mark Meadows. He’s finally realized he’s living in the latest episode of the twilight zone. The ghost of Rod Serling was in the room.

  13. Cheez louise! don’t these knuckleheads have anything better to do? Like maybe deliver food to people who have lost their jobs and homes? Or even better, get behind a good solid relief bill for them?

  14. Elizabeth2 says:

    Elizabeth Moon @8, I was thinking along the same lines. It’s probably another case of editing-by-autocorrect, but I think there’s some chance that the guy’s secretary was trolling him, which makes me want to send flowers to the secretary.

  15. “… plenty of perjury …”

    Dude, you said a mouthful!
