Local Stuff: Republicans Splitting the Sheets

February 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, how about these apples?

Remember how I told you about former Republican Party Chairman Rick Miller being a thug?  (Click any of those links because he’s a serial thug.)

Rick Miller: thug

Well, he resigned as Party Chair but ain’t dropped the thuggery yet.  The new chairwoman of the local GOP wrote a 19 page letter just to say that  Rick Miller (it opens in Word) is an arrogant vicious divisive untrustworthy son of a motherless goat nincompoop thug.  I just did it in 11 words. And if you gave me an extra word to use, I’d probably pick supercilious just because I know he’d have to look it up.

Our local Republicans are fighting so badly that they’re going to the sheriff’s department and filing charges on each other.  It’s better than the circus coming to town.

The former-former chair even sent out an email of his own.  Message from Gary (also in Word) is shorter.  Here it is in PDF.  However, he’s unwilling to take responsibility for his words and will only give you the names of people over the telephone if you call him.  You know, gossip.  Like a little girl. Good Lord, Gary Gillen, grow the hell up.  When I’m hacked at somebody, I use their name, out loud, on the internet machine.  Like I’m using yours right now within spittin’ distance of the word wimp.  Isn’t it the Republican gossip machine that got y’all in this mess in the first place?

Cripes, you people want to govern?  First graders with finger paints couldn’t make a bigger mess than you have right here in Brazos River City.

That’s the problem with our local Republican Party.  They have no adult leadership.

Locals will enjoy the delicious reading.  People from foreign states will take heart to know that the GOP being split three ways is even happening locally.

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