Of Freekin’ Course We’re Having a Contest

February 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sing along, now.  I don’t care if it’s Daddy or Momma, ‘long as I got my plastic Obama riding on the dashboard of my car.

Okay, so I tried to get Oprah to give us a car as our prize in honor of the Michigan primary, but the best I could do is a Dashboard Obama for your American  made car.

Yes, Folks and Folkers, this is a genuine plastic official Barack Obama Dashboard Doll brought to you by the fine makers of pretty much everything plastic.

You guess the outcome of the Four Horsemen of the Republican Apocalypse – Gingrich, Santorum, Romney and Paul in order of their finish in both the Michigan and Arizona primaries.  Then you guess their percentages.

In case of tie, names of the tied guys will be written on pieces of scrap paper and ceremoniously placed in a plastic cup, where a winner will be drawn by Verdelia, this year’s official ceremonious drawing queen.

This contest ends at noon on Tuesday.  And, yes, you may enter more than once in case Romney gets attacked by a dog on Monday or Santorum gets swooped up by a an alien spaceship and taken to HappyLand …. again.  However, entering more than twice is considered rude.  I don’t you don’t care, but Momma does.

Good luck and may the best crapshooter win.

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