Lysistrata Returns and She’s Married To a Jerk

February 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Aristophanes was one funny guy.  In about 400 BC, he wrote a comedy about Lysistrata, a saucy chick who came up with the idea of withholding hoochy koochy from the men of Greece until they ended the The Peloponnesian War.

And in the way that The Natural isn’t really about baseball and Rocky  isn’t really about boxing (at least Rocky I isn’t), Lysistrata really isn’t about the Peloponnesian War.  It’s about the war between the genders in a male-dominated society.  You know, like yesterday.

One of the most quoted lines is:

[Choir of] Men: There is no beast, no rush of fire, like woman so untamed. She calmly goes her way where even panthers would be shamed.

[Choir of] Women: And yet you are fool enough, it seems, to dare to war with me, when for your faithful ally you might win me easily.

But some men never learn.  Take, for example, Virginia Republican Representative David Albo, who took to the floor of the Virginia House to do a comedy routine about how his wife wouldn’t do the wild thing with him after his vote on the ultra-sound bill.

Albo was a co-sponsor of the bill. I am woman; see me cringe.

I think Representative Albo should be very grateful that his wife took her cues from  Aristophanes and not Lorena Bobbitt.

Thanks to Deb, Larry, Jan, Julie and Tom for the heads-up.

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