Just Ain’t Right

March 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Does anybody else find it distressing that Manafort got 47 months in prison, which is exactly one month less than Trump’s term of office – which is kinda like prison for all the rest of us, except that in Trump prison our cellmate is a dumpster possum and there’s 24 hour live accordion music?

I mean, that just ain’t right.


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0 Comments to “Just Ain’t Right”

  1. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    “Judge Ellis’s assessment that Manafort led an “otherwise blameless life” was proof that he’s unfit to serve on the federal bench. I’ve rarely been more disgusted by a judge’s transparently preferential treatment to a rich white guy who betrayed the law and the nation.” – Professor of Law at Harvard, Laurence Tribe

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Distressing? Maybe. Have been a little distraught since Flynn wasn’t strung up at the nearest gallows.

  3. FrauFree says:

    Oh come on people. Give Ellis a break. The guy just misspelled, saying “blameless”. What he really meant was “shameless”.

  4. Aggieland Liz says:

    White collar crime really does pay if you’re an old white man that belongs to the club. Fraud, tax evasion, insider trading; those aren’t REAL crimes, with a victim and all that. And he won’t be going to a real prison either, he’ll be going to one of those nice federal lockups for congresscreeps and other special felons.

  5. Old Fart says:

    24 hours live accordion music?

    Well if it’s cajun/zydeco/corridos/polka/gypsy music, I’ll hang out to shoo away the possum…

  6. Everyone just exhale and enjoy it! This judge is highly eccentric and has given Mueller some grief already. He also tallied in the time Manafort has already spent behind bars. I think that if he had walloped Manafort with one hell of a sentence, Trump would have whipped the cell phone from his rear pocket and pardoned him immediately. Also, Manafort has two more sentencing procedures to endure. One of them is in front of a female judge who has no use for him. Thats the one I am actually going to enjoy!

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Why has “Lock her up” Flynn not been sentenced? Wasn’t he the first to plead guilty?

  8. maryelle says:

    The judge, like Trump, has been compromised. The fix was in.

  9. dumpster possums have more class.

  10. Gail in Richmond says:

    Someone on CNN said, “Otherwise Blameless
    Life” is a great title for a memoir.

  11. Old Quaker says:

    Larry Tribe is The Leading Constitutional Scholar in this country. He doesn’t whack a federal judge casually. If you have read about Ellis you know there is much in his life to admire. Seems he’s skidded off the tracks
    this time. Age can do that to some otherwise good people. Time to retire.
