Oh Dear

March 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember when Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots and close personal friends of Donald Trump, got busted at a Miami “massage parlor”?

You’ll be glad to know that the owner of a conglomerate of parlors is Li Yang.  She attended Donald Trump’s Super Bowl Party where he cheered his friend Robert Kraft to victory.



Nineteen days later, Kraft was arrested for spa hanky-panky at one of her spas and Yang was arrested for prostitution and human trafficking.

Yang has her picture taken with most of the men in the Trump family.

Boys will be boys, you know.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “Oh Dear”

  1. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    ohh emm gee (or..err merr gerrd) The Dragon Lady’s “women’s charity” held a beauty contest at the Biltmore. The contestants were the same imported [enslaved] women brought to US by “entertainment companies” .. reading between those lines: parlor owners gussied up and posed their horrified & humiliated sex trafficked slaves to have a contest to see who had the most subservient compliant slaves? And the award for “Curled the Most Toes Without Crying” goes to Miss _______!

    She says she’s moving to DC and does not own the parlors anymore. She doesn’t, they’re in her parents and husband’s name now.

    She does have a jeweled glitter MAGA purse to accessorize for political events. That’s class!

  2. Suggested photo caption:

    President Trump receives a PDB on illegal immigration and human trafficking.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. But somehow with Donnie and criminal associates, it’s always “or fewer.”

  4. Check the donor lists this slave trafficker will be there.

  5. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Jupiter Day Spa is in Matt Gaetz’ Florida district. He’s the ONLY ONE who voted against the bill to protect Victims of Human Trafficking. His Cheshire cat grins with the Dragon Lady pics: https://twitter.com/soychicka/status/1104050486653734913

    His voting against protections for victims of trafficking:

  6. fierywoman says:

    How far is Mz Yang’s establishment from Spanky’s golf course?

  7. A photo of Trump family values.

  8. Karla Furr says:

    I just saw an individual photo of this woman posing with LOUIE GOHMERT(you know,the one who parts the waters in East Texas when he shows up at GreenAcres Baptist in Tyler).Makes you wonder what Louie has been up to.

  9. Karen in New Mexico says:

    And yet, not even this dissuades my conservative Mormon cousin from full-out support of this creep. Because abortion!

  10. Color me not surprised.

  11. Birds of a feather …

  12. AliceBeth says:

    This woman of Asian descent is involved in a business that “employs” other women of Asian descent who are victims of human trafficking. Hell probably would not let her in. There are limits.

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    According to The Hill.com, trump was in Alabama today autographing Bibles.

    That’s all. What can you add?

  14. Sam in St Paul says:

    Dan Bongino, FOX News turd and NRA spokesperson didn’t like being outed about this either.

