From Our Friend Robert

March 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Robert wanted you to see this —

(Click the little one to see the big one.)


Hi Susan,

Minding my own business coming home from a job in the Med Center today, I came across these poor souls who apparently OD’d on the super-size kool-aid.

I know trump fans aren’t Mensa’s, but I didn’t have the heart to tell them that buying a KIA doesn’t MAGA.



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0 Comments to “From Our Friend Robert”

  1. It’s small enough to be flattened by a larger truck…just sayin’

  2. TrulyTexan says:

    Maybe they thought Kia was North Korean instead of South Korea.
    @Papa: I drive a Ford Expedition (made in Kentucky) and would be happy to flatten them for you.

  3. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Ummm, the prolific bomb maker alpha-male Trumpster in FLA drove around with his auto covered with the same intellectually constipated adoration ….the owner of this KIA might need an intervention by the FBI sooner than later? Just sayin’!

  4. At least the Kia owner bought the right color, Golden Showers.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Rick @4 for the win!

  6. This supports the hypothesis that three in five rabid Trump supporters is as stupid as the other two.

  7. fierywoman says:

    Rick — and you noticed the little boy in the left hand corner peeing?

  8. Lunargent says:

    It starts with the vanity license plate, and goes downhill from there.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    “you noticed the little boy in the left hand corner peeing?”

    I certainly did, but as far as my decayed eyesight can make out, it’s Trump peeing on the words “JesusChrist”. Surely that can’t be right. I mean, of course Trump trashes everything Jesus taught, but a bumper sticker explicitly saying that is probably not gonna sell in MAGA-land.

    Can any of you youngsters read what the words are?

    Robert, thanks for catching the photo. At first I wished you also had caught the mug of the driver, but we can all pretty much figure out the type …

  10. The Surly Professor says: 9

    I do believe the word he is peeing on is Democrats.

  11. georgie-porgie says:

    Enlarging the picture shows Trump’s grinning head on that “little boy” – where was this picture taken – just wonderin’…
    Anybody figured out what that symbol in the “U” on the side of the car represents. Talk about making an ugly little car even uglier!

  12. georgie-porgie says: 10

    I think it represents tRump’s thumbs up gesture he does so often. Between the thumbs up and clapping like a trained seal he is very predictable.

  13. Is that a Battery Electric Kia Soul?
    Looks just like mine, only yellow.

  14. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    That TSTA sticker on the right – is that a Texas State Teacher’s Assn membership sticker? That would be rather scary.

  15. yet another baby boomer says:

    MFM@13 Thank goodness no! Look like the logo of the Texas State Troopers Association. phew! from the relieved child of a retired teacher.

  16. That thar’s a jenuwhine MAGAot for y’all. An ‘Murikkkan Paytreeot drivin’ a cheap Korean-made Kia Soul.

    The little ‘trump peeing on Democrats’ Calvin ripoff on the left looks like he’s wearing a striped prison suit… The ‘Ted Cruz- Tough as Texas’ sticker below is a little faded.
    The “United We Stand 4MAGA” vanity license plate is a nice touch.

    Image magged 650% in Irfanview app: The drivers’ profile appears to be a male Caucasian, seen through the rear side window, blended with the trees reflection from the side of the road, not made out in the rearview mirror.

    Who said ‘flatten ‘im’? Either of my ‘Merican SUVs, made in Louisville, KY and Arlington, TX could do that.

  17. maryelle says:

    Had I seen that atrocity while driving, I may have lost control of my 14 year old Civic. Good God!

  18. Sandridge @ 16

    You asked: Who said ‘flatten ‘im’? Either of my ‘Merican SUVs, made in Louisville, KY and Arlington, TX could do that.

    raises hand—>That would be me.

  19. Betty D. says:

    #17: My 19-year-old Toyota Avalon, normally a sedate old lady car (made in Kentucky) could kick that MAGA’s tailpipe up between its transmission.

  20. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    YABB, yeah, that makes sense. He thinks that sticker is a get out of jail free card, or that it at least will prevent tickets. I hang up the phone on those spammers/scammers.

  21. I’ve noticed a phenomenon here in Cal. where the more ‘Mureca stickers on a vehicle, the greater the chance it’s an import!
