Judge Gilberto Hinojosa, Chairman of The Texas Democratic Party

October 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

On Tuesday night, just mere hours after I addressed Democratic supporters at an Early Vote rally in Lubbock County, a local Democrat was assaulted by four men vandalizing Democratic and Obama yard signs.

Lubbock has experienced a high level of recent vandalism targeting Democratic yard signs. Hundreds of Obama yard signs have been stolen from neighborhoods all across Lubbock. Over half a dozen large 4×4 and 4×8 signs have been stolen, vandalized, or shot. And two 4×4 signs were vandalized with the n-word written multiple times and mustard sprayed all over the signs.

On Tuesday night, Leo Flores watched over some signs with a video camera. Just days prior, Lubbock Republican Party County Chair Carl Tepper had said, “I have a weird suspicion that the Democrats might have damaged their own signs. It’s an outlandish story.”

Leo wanted to capture proof that Democrats in Lubbock County were being targeted, and to disprove the absurd Republican talking point that they had caused the vandalism themselves.

At about 2a.m. four men drove up to attack the signs. Leo was there with his camera on, and called 911. The vandals then jumped in their truck and went to where Leo stood. They attempted to take his camera and punched the volunteer in his face. Throughout all of this, Leo kept his camera on.

The Lubbock police have now released that video, and we share this breaking news and footage with you.

You can catch that video here.

This spew of ignorance and hatred needs to stop. Across the State of Texas, Democrats are being targeted for expressing their constitutionally protected rights of speech and assembly. Meanwhile, the Republican Party will not address this hatred. They deny that it exists. Well, our footage proves otherwise.

The Texas Democratic Party will continue to fight against these hate crimes and stand with our local communities across the State.

We’re won’t let aggressive and hate cause us to back down. Throughout history we have stood our moral ground. And we stand strongly again now.


Gilberto Hinojosa
Texas Democratic Party

Note from Juanita:  If you want to send love to the Lubbock County Democratic Party, Email Lubbock County Democratic Party Chair Kenny Ketner

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