Just In Case

October 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just in case you were considering being in Texas today and not block walking or phone banking for Obama —

Highway 71 in Fayette County (which makes it between me and Austin) there is this sign today.

And don’t forget to enjoy the hanging chair.

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Just In Case”

  1. So only Ryan, the evangelical white male, has a name? And what on earth are those numbers supposed to represent? These guys can’t even come up with rational insults.

  2. The shop’s new name: Classic Racists: Slurs, Threats, Conspiracies

  3. My guess is the numbers refers to debate wins; the chair takes it beyond dumb and mean-spirited, into really nasty territory.

  4. @LynnN, I agree, what does it represent? It looks like they threw a mix & match of stuff up there to see what sticks, but it didn’t even stick very well. TH EMORMON.

  5. We could all call them, and tell them we don’t vote for “Cultists”……

    Darned I think I will.

    Maybe the Secret Service will also pay them a visit.

    All the guy could say that I talked to, when I mentioned I didn’t vote for “cultists” was “that’s fine”…..

    Bewilderment reigns in Fayette County.

    I need to go watch a ball game, or something to keep me out of trouble.

  6. I’m guessing the numbers mean “Three of us early-voted for the white guys.”

    And better an empty chair than empty head, which is what whoever put that up has. Hollow-hollow-hollow (anyone else channeling The Fantasticks?)

  7. Sam in Kyle says:

    I think this is the butthead on Hwy 71 between La Grange and Columbus. He always has TEA Party signs up to entertain the passing cars. I used to want to go in and see the cars; now I just want to watch how bitter he gets when Obama wins.

  8. Sam in Kyle says:

    Forgot one thing. We were in Fredricksburg several weeks ago and went to the Fischer and Weiser store. It was filled with appreciation letters from Fox and Friends, TEA Party signs, and Rush Limbaugh iced tea. Guess who will never get our business in the future? I didn’t say anything to the young ladies manning the register but I left a note in comments and sent the owner an email explaining why he would get no more of my business.

    Vote with your wallet; don’t support people like the WalMart heirs who stand for everything we find reprehensible.

  9. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Sam, regarding your WalMart comment, most people don’t realize that WalMart employees are mostly living below the poverty line and must get public assistance for medical care, HUD housing, and food stamps. Also, they are too poor to contribute to federal revenue. YAHOO, WAY TO HELP YOUR COUNTRY, WAL MART. Sam Walton is spinning in his grave.

  10. I’ve been watching racism in America all my [long] life and I have to say it’s more overt in Texas than anywhere else. Most places have some sense of Political Correctness, but Texan racism is backed by Western bravado, Texan Exceptionalism and redneck bluntness.

    Despite some anti-West Texas views I’ve seen here, West Texas is mostly Western in culture while the rest of Texas is Deep South. Not that Westerners can be racists…

  11. Not only overt racism, but the total disregard for women, like we were incapable of doing what is best for us.

    I am tired of their racism, their patriarchy and their religious beliefs that do not belong in our laws.

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Racism, misogyny, greed…. I’m not even surprised by it anymore. When people show me who they are, I believe them. And avoid them accordingly. I just got back from the grocery store. At the deli counter, I was surrounded my women wearing tee-shirts with pictures of aborted fetuses and “A baby is murdered every 24 seconds in America” on them. Now, alot of parents shop with their kids on Saturdays, so why would theses old biddies wear such things around children? I wanted to ask them if they were voting for Obama or the guy who profits from a company called Stericycle who actually disposes of aborted “babies”. Since I’d rather puke than talk to these people, I just stood in the middle of the group proudly wearing “Old White Woman for Obama” pin next to my “I’m A Slut and I Vote” pin.

    I gotta find sanity wherever I can around these parts.

  13. Thank goodness it wasn’t there about four weeks ago when we drove by or else my son would have wanted to stop. I’m not big enough to hold him back as he’s not afraid of anyone. Since he spent five years with the Marines, I’m sure he would have had some un-Momma-friendly words also.

    People who put up such signs apparently don’t want our business, and I’ll gladly oblige.

  14. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    I voted today, here in Bexar County (San Antonio), at one of the library branches. About four people ahead of me was a man holding a sample ballot, his voter registration, and what looked like a church bulletin. At the top, in big church bulletin letters, it said “Our Choice this Elections” (sic). His hand covered the list portion of the page.

    I almost cried to think that this person was going to vote as someone else dictated, and not as a free-thinker using freewill and their own “God given Brain”.

    Excuse me, I need a beer……..

  15. My wife and I voted for Obama today, and all democrats. Did my part!

  16. Since everybody is venting today, can I give a shout-out to several lovely ladies at the downtown (DC) Macy’s? I had a brief window of time yesterday to shop for funeral clothes and everybody (save one person I won’t mention) was very helpful and kind. Was out of there in under two hours with an outfit as frumpy, and as appropriate, as the Queen would wear.

  17. Also wanted to say that I have never in my entire life set foot in a Walmart. Supposedly, Walmart is going to open four new stores in DC, but I’ll bet it doesn’t happen. We don’t allow giant corporations to treat their employees like Walmart treats theirs. AND, I know that those LOW, LOW prices come out of the paychecks of the poor souls who work there AND that the food stamps they will qualify for are paid by my taxes. No, I think not.

  18. The bottom line is that workers must be paid a living wage if companies want live employees (though I’m sure they’d hire zombies if it would save a buck). What Walmart and their ilk have managed to do to have their payroll subsidized by taxpayers in the form of government subsidies. Walmart gets a whole lot of welfare.

  19. LynnN — We haven’t shopped at Walmart for years, for exactly the reasons you and others put forth. I’m truly not being argumentative here, but if Walmart goes out of business, what will happen to their poor underpaid workers?

    I’m really serious here. Will boycotting Walmart (believe me, they haven’t even missed what we’ve spent elsewhere) help their employees or hurt them? Anybody? I must sound stupid, but sometimes I’m just not sure if I’m helping or hurting. Again, anybody?

  20. @Rubymay…..Walmart isn’t going to go out of business. They just opened another new store in our area. People fought it, and fought it, for years. It was plunked down in one of the older, and most historic parts of town… and nobody in the area wanted it……. but Walmart prevailed.

    The sad thing is….. that for what these folks get paid, with no benefits at all… there may be other places they could find similar work for about the same pay……. especially here in Texas. Unfortunately, Minimum wage jobs seem to be all there are.

    They obviously haven’t missed what I spend elsewhere, either.

  21. Walmart may not miss what we spend elsewhere, but all the little shop owners that used to be around sure do. I understand that Walmart used to (and maybe still) give new employees information on what governmental benefits they may be entitled to since they will make so little working at Walmart. Taxpayers subsidize people who work at Walmart, which in effect means taxpayers subsidize Walmart.
