And This Is Why Clay Bennett Is A Pulitzer Prize Winning Cartoonist

October 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “And This Is Why Clay Bennett Is A Pulitzer Prize Winning Cartoonist”

  1. As they say, a picture speaks . . .

  2. I have to admit I am slow this morning and it took me a second to get it. It should be on bumber stickers.

  3. Such simplicity, saying so much. It hurts even thinking about it.

  4. It is brilliant, but I wonder how many young people understand its significance. We have a whole generation having grown up with abortion rights taken for granted. They don’t remember the “bad old days.” I do.

  5. san fraser says:

    I remember doing an art class project that got a lot of flack – it had Clarence Thomas holding a coat hanger with two women dancing on it

  6. @Texas trailer park trash, I had to explain the significance of the hanger to my younger women friends, also knitting needles, crochet hooks etc. They really don’t know about this stuff.

  7. Brilliant, but frightening.

  8. My niece is a college student in Ohio. She says that her friends are appalled at the dirty old republican men. I told her to make sure they transferred their anger to the voting booth, she promised me they were ready. I hope they do vote…she seemed serious about it. Ohio, especially, they need to get out the vote.

  9. It took me a few seconds to “get it,” too. And then I felt like I’d been punched in the gut.

    Incredible and pure genius. But I’ll probably have to explain it to my younger women friends, too.

    We’ve come so far, and how easily we seem to be sliding back.


  10. Such a powerful image. It took me a few seconds to get it, but it certainly says it all.

  11. Paul Haupt says:

    This image needs to be forwarded to everybody you know who has a brain. The Republican ‘War on Women’ is real and is coming to a precinct near you. Vote accordingly.

  12. And may these young women never have to learn the hard way what that image represents!

  13. @Carol—I had a friend who had a dangerous “back-alley” abortion when she was a sophomore in college. I didn’t know about this until our 20th high school reunion. My friend was the eldest of three daughters and although she could have gone to Stanford, she dutifully went to the college her parents had attended. A lot was expected of her. At the reunion she told me she would rather have died than tell her parents that she was pregnant. Is this what we want to go back to?

  14. Ditto Nan.

  15. Gotta say I was really slow to pick up on this, until I read these comments and got the gist. Yes. Brilliant. But, also too painful to contemplate. I remember the day that our next-door neighbor (a mother of FOUR boys), who was also going to UTEP to get a teacher’s certificate, gave me a ride home from classes and told me that the doctor who travelled through Texas doing illegal abortions had been arrested and that she had found someone new–in case I needed his services. I hadn’t even read “An American Tragedy” at the time. I was too floored to even appreciate the service she was providing. This was about two years before Roe vs. Wade.

  16. Sobering as to the reality the GOP wants to exist.

  17. donquijoterocket says:

    Remember too that the coathanger was just one of the two options in the two tier system then in operation. The daughters of the affluent went abroad to where the procedure was legal,or went to “spend the summer” with an aunt/cousin/whatever then another relative had a newborn infant to adopt.The daughters of the less affluent got to take their chances.I’m sure the godbotherers would say that’s as it ought to be.


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