Updated: “Jimmy the Pimp” Seems to Fit Jim Jordan’s Negligence

November 14, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Impeachment

One of our readers suggested an edit to the name, and with a little modification to that, I agree.  So, read on, dear friends.

More reports have emerged of more abuse of athletes at Ohio State by a sports doctor Richard Strauss, and those reports now total a staggering 1,429.  A wrestling referee has stated that he reported 300 cases of this abuse to Jim Jordan, (R)-Ohio, who was then an assistant wrestling coach at the university.  Jordan, of course, “has no recollection” of this hailstorm of reports over 17 years.  His lack of knowledge of such a pervasive case of sexual abuse doesn’t pass the straight faced test, not even close.

So, in these days of labeling and name calling fostered by Trump, it seems a label for Jordan might fit.  One who allows, and even fosters sexual abuse of innocent people is often called a pimp.  So, Jimmy the Pimp seems an appropriate label for Jordan, and it rolls off the tongue almost as easily as Moscow Mitch, the name for Mitch McConnell coined by none other than Nancy Pelosi.  So, it could be a good label for our friend Jim Jordan, who loves attacking anyone and everyone who is trying to hold Donald Trump to account.  Maybe some of his own medicine is appropriate.

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